oyster shells?


In the Brooder
May 5, 2015
How important are oyster shells for chickens? Right now I have two chickens and i give them laying pellets(enogh that they can eat all day but not too much to where its lasting into the next day) i give them a little corn in the evening( no more than what they can eat in 10 minutes. I was told as long as they get to free roam in the yard for a while they shouldnt need oyster shells. Is this true. I usually let them out in the yard at least 1 hour a day. Thanks in advance for any help. I also seen grit mixes. Is this necessary based on what im already giving them?
You don't need to feed oyster shells based on what you are feeding. Layer has enough extra Ca making it a complete feed. If you feed back the egg shells, that will be free extra Ca that they will eat if they need it. They will pick up pebbles and dirt that will provide the grit they need to digest the treats.
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Laying hens require lots of calcium in their diets. If they are fed a layer feed then they probably won't need as much calcium as they would if they were eating, say, chick or game feed. But, that doesn't mean they don't need it at all. Hens need calcium to produce strong and healthy eggshells aside from what they need for their bodies to function properly. Calcium also plays a big role in the contractions of the oviduct and uterus to produce an egg. Without enough calcium hens can become egg bound very easily. Additionally, lack of this nutrient can draw calcium out of her bones resulting in weak bones and sometimes bone breakage.

If you don't want to buy oyster shells you can feed crushed, rinsed eggshells to them instead like @Percheron chick said. Here is a link on that https://www.backyardchickens.com/a/eggshells-for-laying-hens

Good luck!

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