Painting a long might a paint job last?

My dad made my boys a rabbit hutch with pressure treated wood that I stained. That was.... 2 years ago?
Its still holding up great.

....Granted we dont get the winters yall do but it sits out in the hot Georgia sun and is just fine
I think you need to spend a week filling out a time card. "Clock in" each time you start a new chore/project. You can lump similar tasks together (meal prep/cleanup, laundry, house cleaning--although breaking that one down a bit might be useful, grocery shopping (make sure it is obvious it isn't the kind of shopping that many of us think of as recreational), gardening, animal care, concrete garage floor project, pave driveway project, etc.) Fill out a similar time card for him, too. At teh end of the week, tally up the hours spent in each category by each of you and show him the results.

Then tell him you are making reservations for dinner.
X2. Get whatever low maintence shrubs do well in your area and get yourself whatever fun tools you need to keep them nice. Then tell DH that he gets to make a good dinner while you do the yard work.
Put up some electric fence..

It's the cheapest option, and is easy to mow around.
It doesn't have to "look nice" because it's nearly invisible, and you can put the posts up to 50' apart, so there is less to mow around
Toddlers get around or under electric fences. I am thinking parent side. Cattle panel, while not pretty, are cheap and don't require a ton of upkeep. Then plant them, and heck, you carry the kids, he helped make them, HE can keep the plantings nice.
Love the idea of the naturally aged Redwood. Good luck with your decision.
Painting a wood fence every year is a dreary task. I know because I had a picket fence in Minnesota. Finally tore it down and replaced it with a really thick, thorny hedge. The dogs learned to stay away from it real quick.

Personally, I'd go with cedar fence and stain it. That's what I did to the under deck lattice (basically a "fence"). You can thin down the stain and use a rented sprayer. So much easier than painiting and it keeps that nice finish a lot longer than paint. After about 8 years, it was looking a little gray so I used a power washer on it, then stained it again. Looked great. Tell your man if he puts up the fence he'll get to use all kinds of interesting power tools--that should make him happy. :)
You should express yourself to you DH!!

He needs to know, as much as he'd like to believe it, your world doesn't revolve souly around him. I had to inform my DH about that about a year ago. He's made a huge turn around on how he behaves toward me. We're still working on the dealing with my music choices thing, but thats trivial.

I love the look of weathered cedar. My guess is your DH is trying to avoid future work in maintaining a painted fence and I can understand that... so I'd go natural!

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