Painting/staining wood for run?


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jun 4, 2008
Southern NC
Okay, so my fiance' and I are going to begin work on our coop/run design tomorrow, but first things first. We found a good amount of rough cut 2x4s in just the right length that we were needing for a discount. All the wood is untreated so in order to prevent it from completely rotting away within the first year I'm wanting to paint or stain it to protect it from the weather. I would love to slather in down in some white exterior paint to match the trim of the garage and shop out back, but I wanted to come check with ya'll about any precautions for doing so. Chickens are chickens and they peck on everything, but would they ingest enough of the paint to possibly make them sick? If it would be a much safer option I could stain it, but would prefer the paint, unless staining would protect it from the elements better and was still safe. What are your experiences with all of this?
In my humble opinion....
Paint away!!!!I spent all weekend tearing down the old coop and burning it. We didn't paint it and it became infested with mites. The new coop is insulated and painted inside and out, in fact we have painted every surface including the floor that is covered with vinyl. We also painted the underneath of the roof. Just got to finish up the exterior trim and we're done.
Ahh I'm so happy to hear this. I'm so paranoid about spending so much time and money just for it to get all warped and rotten. I'm a bit of a paint-a-holic anywho, even all my trim in our house has at least three coats for good measure

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