painting the in side of the coop??


In the Brooder
6 Years
Dec 30, 2013
south shore mass
so I was thinkin about painting the inside of my coop with exterior house paint so that I could hose it down when clean. would this be a problem for the birds like will they eat it??
I have painted walls in my coop but by the roosts the walls are all poopy so this summer I am going to white wash them with a lime mixture and move the roost out a few more inches. I heard that white wash helps with mites and such. I haven't seen any problems with mites but an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Can't hurt right?
I have read that while high gloss is easier to clean, it is also harder to repaint and you have to rough it up before applying a new coat. So I am opting for a semigloss.

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