Pale Comb and Wattles???


9 Years
Jan 26, 2011
Below are two pics of my rooster, one of his comb and wattles a normal red color and the other is what they look like now. He has been this way for several weeks now. He acts a little depressed but he is still eating and drinking and breeding hens, just with less energy. His poop looks normal and no other chickens are like this. What could have caused his comb and wattles to become so pale? My first thought is he is severely anemic but what would have caused that? Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Butter Red.jpg
Butter Pale.jpg
Usually pale combs indicate anemia or some vitamin deficiency.

Roos who are taking good care of their flocks will often let the hens eat first, and if there is not enough nutritious food the roo will be left with literally the leftovers.

First, be sure that your roo has enough good food for him, too, after the hens have eaten.

Then, you might consider isolating him to a cage on his own, to make sure he gets enough good food for him. If it's nutrition-related anemia, you should see improvement in a few days.

It's always possible that he just has something wrong with him and you may not be able to correct it. Sorry, but that does happen, just like it happens for humans.

If you research chicken symptoms on the internet, if you include "Merck" and "poultry," you will get to the Merck veterinarian manual, which is where most veterinarians go for guidance on chicken illnesses. This may save you some money, if you don't have a good chicken veterinarian.

Best of luck!
Thanks for your post. His weight is fine so I assume he's getting enough food. They have free choice pellets 24/7. If it is anemic or a vitamin deficiency, is there something I can give him to help it?
I think there are vitamin boost packets you can find at most feed stores that can be added to the water. I went out to the barn to look for the brand name, but unfortunately some (probably very healthy) mice ate my remaining two packets.

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