Pale comb, sick looking, isolated, rarely moving bird

I understand why you would want explanations on how someone came up with a treatment idea, it helps in understanding and how they came up with the diagnosis they did.

I have given corid and valbazen to my chickens with no problems. After the second dose of valbazen, in 10 days I gave them probiotics, electrolytes and in a couple days after that poultry vitamins. (Poultry nutridrench) It helped them recover from the treatments even if it didn't really stress them out that badly.

I also never saw evidence of worms until after they were treated then I did see dead worms in a couple of stools. I now will worm them every 6 months and check regularly for mites and lice.

Good luck with your girl Q-tip hope she recovers soon.
OK thanks Dawg for putting your thinking and reasoning. I tried to write it as carefully as I could so as to not offend anyone, which is not easy to do. I always want to know why I should do something. If anyone checks my post history they will see I have tried to be nice, helpful, serious, and a good member on here for years now. I do need this forum. I had spent hours and hours searching old threads and only after doing that did I start my own thread about my leghorn. I know there other are people on here with desperate situations and serious trauma. I don't want to waste good people's time by over posting. I also don't want to go to somebody else's thread and hijack it. That is rude.

Dawg, I like your opinions on how to nail down a problem, the pathology. It seems like sound advice. A parasite. I didn't know that a hen could have worms and not have them visible in the poop. Thank you for informing me, I will absolutely go where ever I must to get the Valbazen wormer today. I have not used any Pigswig yet and now I won't. Since yesterday I have started Corid. This is because the owner of the local grange said it helps with a myriad of problems. So I don't know if I should just stop giving Corid and now change directions or do both Corid and Valbazen at same time. Any thoughts on using both those medicines at once? THX for patience. I have not been sleeping because of this bird I am so worried.

Is using both Corid anti biotic and Valbazen dewormer at the same time OK or not?

Cocci are protozoa and normally corid is used to treat it. Corid is a thiamine blocker, not an antibiotic and not requiring a withdrawal period. I suppose corid could be used in conjunction with valbazen, but it goes against my grain to give birds two medications at once. Birds are under stress due to cocci infection and should be treated first before worming (if this is what it is.) Why increase stress on their system by giving them a wormer at the same time as corid? Finish the 5 day corid treatment, then give probiotics for 2 or 3 days, then worm your birds. Then give probiotics to your birds about 4 or 5 hours after worming and for a couple more days. Reworm again in 10 days.
Snack Giver I hope Q-Tip starts to feel better soon! It's so disheartening when one of our babies gets sick! :(
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Today my 3 year old leghorn woke up with 1 eye shut. She can open it, but only if she is startled. She mostly just keeps it shut (even when walking). She is very weak. Yesterday I heard her wheezing when she was asleep. These are familiar symptoms. :(

I am now thinking she has CRD. Cronic Respitory Disease, also called Microplasm. Our little Maran had it 2 years ago and died a week later. The Maran's symptoms were similar but got worse. This Leghorn (QTip) lived with that Maran too. CRD microplasm is contageous. We were informed by our vet (and frompeople here on this forum) the rest of my flock would all certainly have it. I expected this day to come, I just was in denial I guess. I do know it is usually fatal.

Just an FYI: 2 days of dewormer, poops are still normal and no expelled worms. 2 days of Corid and no change in bird's health. She is still just declining. Now a shut eye and less movement. Wheezing in her chest. I feel certain this is CRD/microplasm.

I have in my medicine kit 1 packet of water soluable Duramycin-10 and 1 bottle of Tylan 50 (with injector). I know CRD is incurable. But maybe I can treat her symptoms. I will try.

QUESTION TO ANYONE WHO KNOWS: Based on what I've written in this thread, isn't it likely she has CRD? Should I now switch my treatment to the Tylan 50 or Duramycin-10? Which one works better/faster and can you recommend a Tylan50 injection dosage -- thank you folks. I do know how to give a breast injection. If this gets worse I have a neighbor who loves our chickens who can help me humanely put her to sleep. Still, I could try the Tylan50. THANK YOU.
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Please ignore the above posted questions. I have culled my bird this morning. Her condition was really bad. I needed to come to terms with the reality of what it was. CRD. I do appreciate all of you guys. If you have a bird with microplasm / CRD, my prayers are with you. It cannot be cured. You must not get any other birds until the entire flock is gone. I will continue enjoying my 3 remaining birds, they have lived over 3 years with CRD... but if they get sick, the reality is, they have a terminal condition. Anyways, thanks again. Sorry to be a downer.
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i am sorry for your loss
I am so so deeply sorry, my heart hurts for you. I hope your remaining chickens will surpass this deadly disease and will grow old happy and healthy!

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