Pallet Coop - The Beginning

My husband and I both work full time jobs and we have 3 kids. Finding time to work on it has been difficult but manageable. We have been working on it mainly on weekends. There have been a few evenings where we have traded off. One of us watches the kids while the other works on the coop. The kids really want to help also but with some things it just isn't possible. I am sure your coop will turn out just how you want. Good luck and I would love to see pics once you get started!

Thanks. It's coming along. I wish we had weekends to work on it. But my husband works retail and is usually off work while I am working. So then he will wait until I get off work to start instead of being working on it on his own. At least our kids are old enough to help or at least play independently while we work. Our son has been off on school camping trips the last two weeks when we have been working on it. I think he will be a lot of help. Our daughter is 8. She wants to help, but gets bored easily.
Hubby took today off for mother's day. So after church he finally cut the grass and then worked on the coop. It was a gorgeous day to be outside. We even took the chicks out to our temporary fence while we puttered around. We have to watch them close though as one flew out within minutes. lol We didn't have much time since we had to be at the in-laws by 4 and I had to finish my veggie tray. I wished we had just stayed home since brother-in-law and father-in-law spent most of the time out in the garage and left us to the cooking, watching the kids and hand feeding mother-in-law. I was so fed up. I went out and told the food was ready and they didn't even acknowledge me. Starve then!! I think for father's day the girls should just go and get our nails done and ignore them. Though my hubby can tag along since he did the grilling.
Hubby took today off for mother's day. So after church he finally cut the grass and then worked on the coop. It was a gorgeous day to be outside. We even took the chicks out to our temporary fence while we puttered around. We have to watch them close though as one flew out within minutes. lol We didn't have much time since we had to be at the in-laws by 4 and I had to finish my veggie tray. I wished we had just stayed home since brother-in-law and father-in-law spent most of the time out in the garage and left us to the cooking, watching the kids and hand feeding mother-in-law. I was so fed up. I went out and told the food was ready and they didn't even acknowledge me. Starve then!! I think for father's day the girls should just go and get our nails done and ignore them. Though my hubby can tag along since he did the grilling.
LOL! You were much kinder that I would have been!! I can well imagine you were thinking about your coop-build the whole time you were stuck over there. Ah, the trials we bear, eh?
LOL! You were much kinder that I would have been!! I can well imagine you were thinking about your coop-build the whole time you were stuck over there. Ah, the trials we bear, eh?

I didn't feel very kind. But I couldn't bring myself to make a big scene over it. I sure wanted to though.
Yes he is a harsh supervisor, but I think if I scratch his belly he will approve the final plans lol.

Haven't posted much lately. Lost a few work days to rain and a few to social events. Darn people wanting to spend time with us! :) I have all of the plans drawn out for wall frame and we are nearly finished framing one of the side walls.
The babies are now two weeks old and they are getting so big! It is crunch time now. We have to get this coop together and ready for them to move in.


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