Pallet Jack Pot

I get that way with pallet wood.

Also cabinet shops and construction sites are a good pickers choice of wood-obtainium.

I am happy for you.I get as giddy as a school girl when I find free lumber.

My husband is a cabinetmaker. Don't hate me. You would NOT BELIEVE how much wood goes in the dumpster! Yes, our basement is full of nice (some exotic) wood.
GREAT idea about picking up wood from sites. My husband can't stand it when I bring home "junk" but it sure saves money. Storage is a problem though. I tend to store extra supplies right in the chicken's shed.. they don't seem to mind.
Since I have had chickens I am always on the look out for things to use for my next coop. I used old 6' redwood fencing for my first coop. My neighbor was tearing it down so he was happy to get rid of it. Everyone is giving me great ideas where to look. Thanks for sharing
Oh my goodness i am the same i bought a thingy to take the pallets apart worth every penny
I'm terrible
and heaven help me when i pass a skip my friends looked at me weird when forgot myself and got way over excited at pallets left behind the garages
but now they get as excited as i do LOL

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