Panicked new momma


11 Years
Feb 15, 2013
Southeast Louisiana
My new chicks arrived from the hatchery this morning. I currently have them settled in an inside brooder setup with food water and heat. I also came home from out of town yesterday to find the hen that was broody when i left still sitting on her nest but now with about 8 eggs, and her chest feathers removed. I'm not interested in her hatching the eggs. I know shes been broody now for at least a week and two days. I moved her last night but found she had abandoned the nest this morning, but went right back to "her" nest box. I moved her from the "public" nest box today again into her own space but it took me several tries because she kept running out and right back to "her" nest box. After, blocking all doors and light and making it as dark as possible she finally settled. I left her for several hours. I just tried sneaking some chicks in (It's late afternoon) but she panicked!! She was very agitated but not hurting them. I watched for about 10 minutes and she did not settle. She jumped out of the box as if she was terrified of them!! And ran straight back to "her" nest box. I really dont want the chicks there with her. I tried that once before with another broody but several were killed after they couldn't get back in with momma.
I'm thinking about trying again later tonight with just one of the chicks. I know I'm kind of rushing it, but every day i wait the chicks get older and i'm afraid they wont accept her.
I am perfectly able to brood the chicks myself, but really would prefer she raise them,
Does anyone have any suggestions on getting her to accept them? She is a first time momma.
I know shes been broody now for at least a week and two days.
Sounds like you will likely need to brood them yourself.

Imho, not long enough for her to have been broody for her to accept chicks. You can try again, but if she's panicking like that, I would be hesitant to do so. If I put chicks under a broody, it's usually after she's been sitting for a good 18 days or so, then it works well (so far!).
I went back and counted her "broody " days again. she has been broody for 12 days. I finally got her settled into the new spot. and got some chicks under her late last night. All went well. She was quitetly covering them AND her eggs. All seemed to be ok first thing this morning. Until later when i let in a little light..... then she panicked again and starting pecking at the poor things. Fortunately I was there and grabbed them up real fast before she could hurt them. I also found where one of the eggs I was letting her sit on had been eaten, and yes, she had egg on her face! She is now in the broody breaker and the chicks are in their brooder. I just saw your post just now, and yes, from now on, I will wait till broody is at least almost to hatch day or later to try that again. (but probably not with this hen ;))

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