Paranormal/Alien Encounters Chat Corner. ( ages>14-20+)

Hi there! Thought I'd pop in.

A lot of people don't believe me when I tell them the paranormal encounters I've had. And I've started to wonder if it was just my imagination. But dang....they felt far too real for that.
When I was five, we were visiting my grandparents. I remember this vividly. I was sleeping in a bed beside my grandfather, and I woke up. Don't know what time it was but it was late. I opened my eyes, and I saw my grandfather's back, and so I rolled over. Beside the bed, near the end, was my grandfather.
Standing there and reacing for the ceiling fan above the bed, screwdriver in hand and toolbox on the bed. I didn't scream, but I remember being terrified. It didn't have color, it was just like shadows, but it was definitely my grandfather. When I glanced over, my grandfather was still sleeping beside me.
I never saw it again.
Another time was also at my grandparents house.
It was only a year or so go, actually. I was sleeping upstairs, and I woke up to a really strange noise. I can't really describe it; kind of like nails scratching on wood, but rhythmically. At first it sounded like it was beside the window above my head, but then it faded towards the stairs down the hallway. It kept doing this, repeatedly getting louder and then fading. And the rhythm never changed. Then I swore I heard footsteps coming up the stairs.
I pleaded that it was my grandmother or father, but it wasn't. Nothing ever came.
I know this wasn't a dream, because I kept pinching myself, and the cat beside kept hearing it as well, kept flicking her ears and looking around.
The noises continued, along with the sounds of children crying and somebody running up and down the hall. I wish I had had something to record it at the time for proof, because nobody believes me. My mom and my grandparents swear up and down that the only things that have died in that house is animals. But those noises, man...
And the noises stopped abruptly when my grandfather woke up and opened his door.
Does anyone have any thoughts as to what this might have been?
Oh, jeez, that's terrifying. I have no idea what could explain that, other than ghosts or other paranormal things like that. Obviously it might have something to do with your Grandpa if the shadow looked like him and it stops when he wakes up, but other than that I don't know.
Hi there! Thought I'd pop in.

A lot of people don't believe me when I tell them the paranormal encounters I've had. And I've started to wonder if it was just my imagination. But dang....they felt far too real for that.
When I was five, we were visiting my grandparents. I remember this vividly. I was sleeping in a bed beside my grandfather, and I woke up. Don't know what time it was but it was late. I opened my eyes, and I saw my grandfather's back, and so I rolled over. Beside the bed, near the end, was my grandfather.
Standing there and reacing for the ceiling fan above the bed, screwdriver in hand and toolbox on the bed. I didn't scream, but I remember being terrified. It didn't have color, it was just like shadows, but it was definitely my grandfather. When I glanced over, my grandfather was still sleeping beside me.
I never saw it again.
Another time was also at my grandparents house.
It was only a year or so go, actually. I was sleeping upstairs, and I woke up to a really strange noise. I can't really describe it; kind of like nails scratching on wood, but rhythmically. At first it sounded like it was beside the window above my head, but then it faded towards the stairs down the hallway. It kept doing this, repeatedly getting louder and then fading. And the rhythm never changed. Then I swore I heard footsteps coming up the stairs.
I pleaded that it was my grandmother or father, but it wasn't. Nothing ever came.
I know this wasn't a dream, because I kept pinching myself, and the cat beside kept hearing it as well, kept flicking her ears and looking around.
The noises continued, along with the sounds of children crying and somebody running up and down the hall. I wish I had had something to record it at the time for proof, because nobody believes me. My mom and my grandparents swear up and down that the only things that have died in that house is animals. But those noises, man...
And the noises stopped abruptly when my grandfather woke up and opened his door.
Does anyone have any thoughts as to what this might have been?
A trickster ghost is my best guess.
Hi there! Thought I'd pop in.

A lot of people don't believe me when I tell them the paranormal encounters I've had. And I've started to wonder if it was just my imagination. But dang....they felt far too real for that.
When I was five, we were visiting my grandparents. I remember this vividly. I was sleeping in a bed beside my grandfather, and I woke up. Don't know what time it was but it was late. I opened my eyes, and I saw my grandfather's back, and so I rolled over. Beside the bed, near the end, was my grandfather.
Standing there and reacing for the ceiling fan above the bed, screwdriver in hand and toolbox on the bed. I didn't scream, but I remember being terrified. It didn't have color, it was just like shadows, but it was definitely my grandfather. When I glanced over, my grandfather was still sleeping beside me.
I never saw it again.
Another time was also at my grandparents house.
It was only a year or so go, actually. I was sleeping upstairs, and I woke up to a really strange noise. I can't really describe it; kind of like nails scratching on wood, but rhythmically. At first it sounded like it was beside the window above my head, but then it faded towards the stairs down the hallway. It kept doing this, repeatedly getting louder and then fading. And the rhythm never changed. Then I swore I heard footsteps coming up the stairs.
I pleaded that it was my grandmother or father, but it wasn't. Nothing ever came.
I know this wasn't a dream, because I kept pinching myself, and the cat beside kept hearing it as well, kept flicking her ears and looking around.
The noises continued, along with the sounds of children crying and somebody running up and down the hall. I wish I had had something to record it at the time for proof, because nobody believes me. My mom and my grandparents swear up and down that the only things that have died in that house is animals. But those noises, man...
And the noises stopped abruptly when my grandfather woke up and opened his door.
Does anyone have any thoughts as to what this might have been?
That was a Doppleganger of your grandfather in your tale from a year ago.
Oh, jeez, that's terrifying. I have no idea what could explain that, other than ghosts or other paranormal things like that. Obviously it might have something to do with your Grandpa if the shadow looked like him and it stops when he wakes up, but other than that I don't know.
The first encounter could have possibly been shadow people or something, is what I thought, but idk. It's very strange.
A trickster ghost is my best guess.
Interesting...I wonder how it got in, though? No one else as ever encountered paranormal activity in that house, except for my Grandma who says she can sometimes feel animals walking on her while she's in bed even though there's nothing there, presumably past pets.
That was a Doppleganger of your grandfather in your tale from a year ago.
Doppelganger? Huh. Interesting. Why would they do that, I wonder?
When my Grandpa passed away my Grandma was laying down because she couldn't sleep well. She opened her eyes and my Grandpa was standing at the foot of the bed. She seen him as plain as day. He told her he was ready and will wait for her. He was dressed up in his suit. He walked out of the room and she quickly got up and of course Grandpa wasn't there..❤️
My Grandma lived to be 99 years old. The day she passed her younger Sister also was passing away. Two different nursing homes and both before they passed were reaching out their hands as if someone was there to take them. We all think they met each other and took each other's hand before they passed. They both went an hour from each other.💕

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