Paranormal/Alien Encounters Chat Corner. ( ages>14-20+)

The first encounter could have possibly been shadow people or something, is what I thought, but idk. It's very strange.

Interesting...I wonder how it got in, though? No one else as ever encountered paranormal activity in that house, except for my Grandma who says she can sometimes feel animals walking on her while she's in bed even though there's nothing there, presumably past pets.

Doppelganger? Huh. Interesting. Why would they do that, I wonder?
Yes, it is strange.
My Grandma lived to be 99 years old. The day she passed her younger Sister also was passing away. Two different nursing homes and both before they passed were reaching out their hands as if someone was there to take them. We all think they met each other and took each other's hand before they passed. They both went an hour from each other.💕
These things are very interesting.
When my Grandpa passed away my Grandma was laying down because she couldn't sleep well. She opened her eyes and my Grandpa was standing at the foot of the bed. She seen him as plain as day. He told her he was ready and will wait for her. He was dressed up in his suit. He walked out of the room and she quickly got up and of course Grandpa wasn't there..❤
You're welcome.

My Grandpa's wife took her own life in his house a very very long time ago. I wasn't born yet. She had cancer, & went into a deep depression, & took her own life with a shot gun.
That's what I remember when we were told about it.
They said it happened in the living room, but I can see the residual blood all over the ceiling in the bathroom. Wasn't cleaned up very well, & painted over.
When my Grandpa passed away my Grandma was laying down because she couldn't sleep well. She opened her eyes and my Grandpa was standing at the foot of the bed. She seen him as plain as day. He told her he was ready and will wait for her. He was dressed up in his suit. He walked out of the room and she quickly got up and of course Grandpa wasn't there..❤

The day that my mother died I was delivering the funeral arrangement information to my sister as I could not fly out until the next day. As I was driving there my father appeared to me and speaking to her said , "Dorothy, what took you so long." Sure my mind could have created that. When I got home the Princess said to me, "I just had this strange image of your father." When I asked her to describe him and what he said, it was exactly as he appeared to me. There is something 'more'.
The day that my mother died I was delivering the funeral arrangement information to my sister as I could not fly out until the next day. As I was driving there my father appeared to me and speaking to her said , "Dorothy, what took you so long." Sure my mind could have created that. When I got home the Princess said to me, "I just had this strange image of your father." When I asked her to describe him and what he said, it was exactly as he appeared to me. There is something 'more'.
I haven't yet experienced a family member who'd passed, but there's always the chance it can happen.
The day that my mother died I was delivering the funeral arrangement information to my sister as I could not fly out until the next day. As I was driving there my father appeared to me and speaking to her said , "Dorothy, what took you so long." Sure my mind could have created that. When I got home the Princess said to me, "I just had this strange image of your father." When I asked her to describe him and what he said, it was exactly as he appeared to me. There is something 'more'.
When my Dad passed away we were driving to my sisters to pick her up. Sitting on bench at the bus stop was my Dad. I'm totally serious it was him. He smiled at me. He looked healthy.
The first encounter could have possibly been shadow people or something, is what I thought, but idk. It's very strange.

Interesting...I wonder how it got in, though? No one else as ever encountered paranormal activity in that house, except for my Grandma who says she can sometimes feel animals walking on her while she's in bed even though there's nothing there, presumably past pets.

Doppelganger? Huh. Interesting. Why would they do that, I wonder?
They can be mischievous and further evidence points to it being connected to your grandfather based on your other described experience as a five year old.

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