partridge or golden brahmas

Last year I got a beautiful buff brahma (LF) from "Healthy Chciks and more", one of the only places I could find that offered sexed large fowl buff brahmas. I don't know if this is the same as "golden" or not, but other than them messing up my order and sending light brahmas instead of the buffs, all went well. she was the "surprise" chick and I love her. she's beautiful, healthy. Hope that helps.
Partridge Brahmas aren't something you just order as a chick, nor would people looking for them want such a thing from a hatchery.

Dee Mejstrik is a good show quality breeder of Partridges, even went to the Shawnee show last year to sell some of her adults. I believe you can look through the Brahma Club for contact info or ask someone on the Heritage Large Fowl Thread.

Ah, last I was told her email address is [email protected] ; She's from Iowa I believe.
I don't know where you are located, but I purchased a very nice trio of LF Brahmas in Oct. The roo and one hen are partridge and the other hen is blue partridge. I plan on hatching eggs a little later on.
I just found this thread about the Gold Brahmas. My email is [email protected] -- if you are still looking for the Gold or Partridge Brahmas. We are trying to get all breeders working on these varieties connected, so that we can get a qualifying meet in the future. Thanks, Dee Mejstrik, American Brahma Club district 5 director.
looking for a partridge brahma rooster if anyone has one for sale. just lost my dark brahma rooster in a storm. The ladies need a mate.

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