Passing broody poop through prolapse sutures?!!

Yea, in hindsight, I should've cut the suture when I was able to see the poop clearly and help her get more out instead letting her get crusty overnight :barnie now she busted it anyway and it's all a mess

The vet can see us in an hour so I am soaking her to the best of my abilities.

Further research says prolapse and constipation could be from a fecal obstruction which might explain the rock hard chunk of poop I extracted. Could be fungal or infection, we are still sending in a sample and I'll let everyone know! Such a learning curve, but I definitely learn from everyone else's experiences
Let us know what happens. Prolapses can be really frustrating. I have only treated a mild one before. Someone once posted here about having a pursestring stitch put in, and they were to loosen up every day, then pull it tight again after the hen passed droppings.
Let us know what happens. Prolapses can be really frustrating. I have only treated a mild one before. Someone once posted here about having a pursestring stitch put in, and they were to loosen up every day, then pull it tight again after the hen passed droppings.
that makes more sense.

I rather think the vet didn't think it through
That does make a lot of sense, unfortunately this vet says it being loose was how she managed to push past it last time so we did a thicker stitch and I have no way to alter it. I got really frustrated when she started pushing and pushing like there was no tomorrow and thought I might need to end her suffering...but at the vet they said that the dried poop wasn't a big deal and kinda peeled it off (I think the soaking and olive oil slather helped) and that she had no poop left nor egg coming but she was just feeling inflamed and uncomfortable so put her on an anti-inflammatory/pain med and more antibiotics. The fecal sample might give us the culprit, but otherwise it might've just been the downhill spiral of discomfort so straining and more discomfort and more straining... this is her last shot since this was another $200 day and I can't keep throwing money at the problem so we are back to crossing our fingers. She's sleeping in her crate and I'll be keeping her hydrated as best I can. Let's hope it gets better...
She ate a whole bowl of scrambled eggs these past 2 mornings and even walked around, pooped fine and started preening herself! Things are looking up, but I'm still keeping her darkness and holding my breath.

I just noticed a rubber egg from one of my other chickens though!! And a normal egg with a bit of faint bloody looking streaks?! I have their diet balanced and all else seems good so any ideas?! Haven't gotten fecal sample back yet, but could this be a viral/bacterial outbreak in my flock or something?? When it rains it pours!
Oh my gosh, I think it's a severe case of Vent Gleet! I noticed my other ladies have white streaks down their butts but naively assumed it was just chickens being normally messy... now it's a matter of determining fungal or bacterial! She's already on antibiotics from her crazy open wound stage, but this would explain the extremely offensive smell and inflammation. Tomorrow everyone is getting a bath and acv and the whole 9!

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