Pasty Butt cleaned off but still no poop


11 Years
Nov 29, 2008
Welland, Ontario,Canada
I bought an ameraucauna chick 2 days ago (with 2 silkies), and I finally noticed it had pasty butt so I got it cleaned off, it was real hard so it has been there for a while. The problem is that it has not pooped or eat en or drank since. That was 5 hours ago!
Is there any hope?
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mine didn't poop right away either. did you try neosporin also? it might help! mine is ok, but she needed cleaning a few times first
someone else suggestions massaging with an oil type product to loosing things up...good luck!
I'm still a newbie here, but thanks to wonderful advice from this board one of my chicks (miraculously, I must say) survived pasty butt after suffering with it for almost 3 days
(poor thing went almost 20 hours before she finally pooped). Her vent was swollen and red, and so very, very plugged. I felt so bad for her - broke my heart!! The "wonderful advice":
Regularly (I mean like min. 8 times a day) soak her little bottom in warm running water. I soaked mine for a minute or more at a time. Clean any stuck on poop off with a clean paper towel, then give her a good swabbing of Vaseline or Olive oil all over the outside of the vent (to prevent poop from sticking), and, gently using a cotton swab, just inside the vent too. I also carefully monitored the temp. in her "hospital box", and watched closely to make sure she was eating and drinking (which she only did sparingly for a while). Like I said, she made it. And then I slept for a good 12 hours to recover myself!
Hope your little one will be OK!
I found her dead this morning. The lesson that I learned is to carefully check every chick regularly and never let the problem get to the point that this did.
Now whenever I see a chick that is doing anything abnormal, I will pay special attention to it. The living chicks will benefit from her short life!

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