Pasty butt


In the Brooder
Mar 26, 2016
We lost one of our chicks today. I think it was pasty butt. I cleaned all the others thoroughly, though they weren't happy about it. Poor babies! Should that be cleared up soon? And- how do I know when they need more space?
Also I iust had an issue with pasty butt... I cleaned her twice a day and put a dish with about 2 tablespoons plain yogurt sprinkled with chick feed once a day. She is all better now
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Thank you! We are going to go to the farm store & buy a large trough tomorrow. Coop to be built soon. Exciting!

Ha! Yes we also have yet to build our coop!! We have some wood and building supplies, and a plan from a book at the library we were just waiting on good weather and fortunately this week we have it!! We have about 2 to 4 weeks tops to complete our coop and run.

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