Patiently (maybe not completely) waiting for my babies to hatch


In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 14, 2011
Panhandle of Florida
Today is day 21. I am not even seeing any pecking. This is my first batch, so I am quite nervous.

I candled them about 5 days ago, and most appeared to be fine.

I started with 31, but weeded 10 out around day 8 to 15.

I'm on pins and needs.
Good luck to you! And remember to wish me luck next 21 of my first hatch! I'm already on pins and needles...I probably won't get any sleep Sun/Mon/Tues.
Maybe they are behind a little bit? Did your temp ever drop? I am so nervous too. When I wake up at night to go to the bathroom I have to go grab the flashlight and look at them!
still no cheeping, pipping, nothing. Tomorrow will be day 22. Is this normal?

My count was wrong...I had 31 to start with, but weeded out 6. I am left with 25. There is no signs amoungst the 25. I candled them 5 days ago with good results. Only a few were questionable.
No it's not normal. They should be finished hatching in 21 days. It sound like your temperature is low but hang in there some of them may still hatch.
Good Luck.
still air.

Outside of the power outage, the temp hasn't lowered below 99. There were a few times the temp got around 101-102, but I adjusted the temp as soon as I noticed (I have been checking every few hours).

I would candle for a few minutes from day 7 to day 16, but no egg was left out longer then a few minutes.

I guess I will patiently wait for another day or two.

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