Patiently (maybe not completely) waiting for my babies to hatch


Hooray! Give us an update when you have a chance!
We now officially have one chick completely hatched, one pipped and one just barely cracked!! The one that is pipped is the one from last night. Just taking a little extra to get out. Keeping my fingers crossed for him/her.
I had to laugh when I saw the title of this thread, that describes me perfectly! Day 21 today for me, and had 9 chicks hatch overnight, but still have 21 with no sign of pips or peeps - high anxiety time
sounds like me. i havent got more that 3 hours of sleep a night all week because i was watching chicks hatch
i have a hatch staggered over 6 days so its been pretty exciting. none of mine have taken any longer from pip to hatch that 4 hours.
I am still waiting on the first one pipped to completely hatch out. I'm getting anxious. It's moving around, just taking it's sweet time. I am just hoping it's not too weak to make the entrance. I have 4 more eggs that have pipped.

So, 1 complete hatch and 5 pipped.
I have 7 chicks now, and 3 more pipped~still have 15 eggs to go! They are slowly coming out of their shells...slower then I thought. Perhaps it's because the lower temp in my still air bator?

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