Pavlovskaya,Svart Hona, Cemani, Araucana, Isbar, Brabanter

Hi there. I bought some of your project eggs the Blue Isbar/Black Copper Marans on e-bay in Jan. They all hatched 6/6 and some beautiful birds. I got two blue females and four roosters. The two girls are very sweet & lay a dark olive eggs that is speckled. Do you still have that project going? Do you still sell these eggs?

I miss my Roo- The yard was attacked by the neighbor dog and he lost his life in the battle.

Pictured is "Will Wheaton"- your roo offspring & "Blue " GFF BI
Thanks- Christina
I am glad you hatched something! I still have them going but maran is not laying. I switched to a nicer black isbar roo and it will be a blue isbar roo in a few month. I would love to see the color of the egg!!!!! I am so curious, I don't raise them. I just couldn't let go of my nice maran hen.

Here are the twins eggs. Beautiful aren't they!!!



Some pics as babies...:)
I love the blues. The other three roosters were blue with red hackles. Gorgeous birds. All hatched from the dark BCM egg.
Getting some eggs, from pavlovskaya, brabanter, svart, araucana, cemani and isbar, but it's 1-2 eggs a day each. So, i could make mixes but no dozen of anything

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