Pavlovskaya,Svart Hona, Cemani, Araucana, Isbar, Brabanter

I had a great hatch from these eggs and all the chicks are doing great!! Here are a couple of the brabanters I hatched. I also hatch several others breeds but, didn't take pics..I will fix that tonight! Thank you and I will be ordering more when my bator is ready!
I have an odd question but, do your blue and splash marans have the copper neck color like the black ones?
My blue hens are blue throughout, a blue rooster has a copper neck, I think a blue hen with copper would be considered blue copper hen. I have a splash roo now which will give you blue and splash chicks only, some copper on the chicks would be possible because I have one black copper hen. I would have to look that up to be sure
I should get a good variety by than. Brabanters started laying, maybe even my pavlovskaya starts laying by then, isbar is laying, araucana is laying, maran with isbar (oliveegger) is laying, huastec is with araucana is laying (greenish egglayer), bearded silkie is laying, cream legbar and houdan should start laying again. Let me know how many. I should get a mixed dozen easily. If you want just one kind remind me 2 weeks before you need them. Thanks

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