PayPal / Hatching Eggs Swap

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umm KYTinpusher generated a list of all the swappers qualified to swap so we are going from that. You are 3rd from the bottom

I almost made it to last place..
I never did understand the "number" thing either, but I am home today and playing. Party or ya'll? If I need a number I need instructions, simple please, I am a fat old techno-saurus..... k/
Politicians giving up their paychecks, would be a great start!
I actually think we need to pay them more or offer more credits for plane flights. A first term congressman can go in the hole on his paycheck trying to get accommodations in DC and fly home as much as they are supposed to. So they are more susceptible to.. outside influences and real people cant afford to actually run and stay honest.

lack of money is the root of all evil. If we could have people who need a JOB run for office wed have a different congress.
Ok, now im gonna get thrown off BYC for politics!
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