
In the Brooder
Jun 15, 2022
I'm sorry if this has been covered. I searched the forums, but with keywords I've used, there were no results.

My peacock is 4 years old and was hand-raised by the folks who gave him to us. We also have 2 peahens who are 3 this year. My peacock, Argos, is very sweet and loves to be near us. He eats from my hand and likes to keep an eye on me, often watching me through whatever window I'm near. I'm trying to understand some of the unique ways he interacts with me and I wonder if anyone else has insight? When I feed him treats, he'll eat almost all, but leave a little bit in my hand, then sets his beak gently on my palm, top side down. He sort of half-closes his eyes. My human interpretation is that he's showing affection, like a little gesture of thanks. The other thing he does is; whenever I go out to talk to him, he turns his head upside down, curling his neck over. Then he holds that position, blinking very slowly as long as I keep talking to him. His lower eyelid is blinking, but upside-down, it looks exactly like a human eye. It's very interesting to me. I'm curious if anyone else has observed these behaviors?


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Yes, they are signs of affection, you are very lucky. It is a very rare bird that acts like that without getting territorial during the breeding season and tries to run you off by flogging you. I have many birds that love to eat from my hand but they do not like to be touched except for two hens. Hens will not get mean and flog you. I have seen videos of cocks that love their owner and act as yours does, it is very impressive.
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Thank you for responding, that's very encouraging. I've heard so many stories of peacocks turning aggressive and wanted to make sure I wasn't completely misinterpreting the behavior. Your peafowl sure seem to be comfortable with you. Beautiful birds!
I'm sorry if this has been covered. I searched the forums, but with keywords I've used, there were no results.

My peacock is 4 years old and was hand-raised by the folks who gave him to us. We also have 2 peahens who are 3 this year. My peacock, Argos, is very sweet and loves to be near us. He eats from my hand and likes to keep an eye on me, often watching me through whatever window I'm near. I'm trying to understand some of the unique ways he interacts with me and I wonder if anyone else has insight? When I feed him treats, he'll eat almost all, but leave a little bit in my hand, then sets his beak gently on my palm, top side down. He sort of half-closes his eyes. My human interpretation is that he's showing affection, like a little gesture of thanks. The other thing he does is; whenever I go out to talk to him, he turns his head upside down, curling his neck over. Then he holds that position, blinking very slowly as long as I keep talking to him. His lower eyelid is blinking, but upside-down, it looks exactly like a human eye. It's very interesting to me. I'm curious if anyone else has observed these behaviors?I have obe
I have observed that behavour of turning his head and blinking when the female is around. They then have turns at gently pecking each other around the eye. I thought that this was to collect ticks, then I thought that this was their way of loving each other. So I am wondering whether this peacock is inviting you to gently slowly scratch his head?
I'm sorry if this has been covered. I searched the forums, but with keywords I've used, there were no results.

My peacock is 4 years old and was hand-raised by the folks who gave him to us. We also have 2 peahens who are 3 this year. My peacock, Argos, is very sweet and loves to be near us. He eats from my hand and likes to keep an eye on me, often watching me through whatever window I'm near. I'm trying to understand some of the unique ways he interacts with me and I wonder if anyone else has insight? When I feed him treats, he'll eat almost all, but leave a little bit in my hand, then sets his beak gently on my palm, top side down. He sort of half-closes his eyes. My human interpretation is that he's showing affection, like a little gesture of thanks. The other thing he does is; whenever I go out to talk to him, he turns his head upside down, curling his neck over. Then he holds that position, blinking very slowly as long as I keep talking to him. His lower eyelid is blinking, but upside-down, it looks exactly like a human eye. It's very interesting to me. I'm curious if anyone else has observed these behaviors?
My observations of the beak in your palm and eyes closing is that he indeed wants some affection from you. Perhaps very slow movement and gently stroke his head. My peacock and peahen do this to each other, cocking their heads and each taking turns to gently "pecking" each other's heads. My peacock comes around in the late afternoon, and perches on the balcony railing, where he watches me through the window for ages : ) At one stage we were encouraging both birds to come up onto the deck, and the peacock (the more shy of the two) eventually lay on the deck so close to me. They do like to be near us as opposed to deep in the forest or other parts of the garden. We close a gate on the deck now, as they poop everywhere! Now the peacock lies under the deck each day : )

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