Peacock to protect chickens


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jan 26, 2013
I have a flock of 20 (18 hens and 2 roosters). We are located in upstate NY. My chickens live in 2 converted horse stalls in my barn and have access to a 2-acre sand and grass pasture with no climb fence where my horses go out. We used to let them free range all day, but last summer we lost a few hens due to predators. Due to our set up, it's going to be a bit difficult to put them in a chicken tractor or something similar each day. I have been letting them free range when we are outside, but I am not comfortable letting them out if I'm not around. I've heard that peacocks are good for deterring predators. Our guess is that last summer we were dealing with a hawk or weasel. Can anyone give me feed back on getting a peacock for this purpose? Thank you!
We have peafowl and chickens. I cant say it would never work but I have never seen a sign with ours that it would. With mine I actually notice the peacock kinda stay away from the chickens and do their own thing so I dont see them protecting them. A bird of prey isnt going to go after a peacock given its size but I dont think a peacock would protect a chicken, just run away probably. As a deterent I cant really say. We have LGD dogs so they deter all predators here and I dont know if a peacock would or not.
I have a flock of 20 (18 hens and 2 roosters). We are located in upstate NY. My chickens live in 2 converted horse stalls in my barn and have access to a 2-acre sand and grass pasture with no climb fence where my horses go out. We used to let them free range all day, but last summer we lost a few hens due to predators. Due to our set up, it's going to be a bit difficult to put them in a chicken tractor or something similar each day. I have been letting them free range when we are outside, but I am not comfortable letting them out if I'm not around. I've heard that peacocks are good for deterring predators. Our guess is that last summer we were dealing with a hawk or weasel. Can anyone give me feed back on getting a peacock for this purpose? Thank you!
I just noticed this thread. I know it's been some time ago, but I'm putting this on here in case there's anyone else wondering the same question. Yes my Peafowl do stay away from my chickens. However I just had a hawk fly down out of nowhere, and one of my Peafowl. Actually my Peacock to be more specific, seen it coming. He jumped in the air after the hawk, squalked really loud, flapping his wings, and the hawk flew away. This hawk was swooping down to attack 1 of my small chickens. However my chicken is still here, because of my peacock. I was outside working on a coop. My presence didn't stop this predator from trying to attack. It was the loud scream my Peafowl let out that sent this predator on his way, and got everyone's attention. Keep in mind If someone plans to get Peafowl they are an absolute joy to raise. They play like kids bouncing around. I love watching them play what looks like hide and seek. One hides behind something waiting for the others to aproach, then jumps out scares the others then they chase each other away. I am constantly laughing at them they have such playful personalities. However they are very finicky. Chickens carry a disease that a peafowls body can't fight off. So they have to have plenty of room to get away from the chickens. My Peafowl do not mingle around my chickens much and even chase them away sometimes. However they do live together peacefully. I'm certain if not for my peacock today I'd be one less chicken. Had I not witnessed this with my own eyes. I probably wouldn't even believe it specifically because of the fact that they have so little to do with each other. I think it was more of a territorial thing for my peacock 🦚. Hope this is helpful Thanks.
I just noticed this thread. I know it's been some time ago, but I'm putting this on here in case there's anyone else wondering the same question. Yes my Peafowl do stay away from my chickens. However I just had a hawk fly down out of nowhere, and one of my Peafowl. Actually my Peacock to be more specific, seen it coming. He jumped in the air after the hawk, squalked really loud, flapping his wings, and the hawk flew away. This hawk was swooping down to attack 1 of my small chickens. However my chicken is still here, because of my peacock. I was outside working on a coop. My presence didn't stop this predator from trying to attack. It was the loud scream my Peafowl let out that sent this predator on his way, and got everyone's attention. Keep in mind If someone plans to get Peafowl they are an absolute joy to raise. They play like kids bouncing around. I love watching them play what looks like hide and seek. One hides behind something waiting for the others to aproach, then jumps out scares the others then they chase each other away. I am constantly laughing at them they have such playful personalities. However they are very finicky. Chickens carry a disease that a peafowls body can't fight off. So they have to have plenty of room to get away from the chickens. My Peafowl do not mingle around my chickens much and even chase them away sometimes. However they do live together peacefully. I'm certain if not for my peacock today I'd be one less chicken. Had I not witnessed this with my own eyes. I probably wouldn't even believe it specifically because of the fact that they have so little to do with each other. I think it was more of a territorial thing for my peacock 🦚. Hope this is helpful Thanks.
this was great and like you I wouldn't have thought this of a peacock ever. thanks

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