Peafowl acting abnormal.

I ask about weight because a healthy cock bird will weigh 4-6 kg, so if he's in that range I'm not too worried, but if he's under 4 kg that means he's been sick for a while.
Yeah im not seeing anything in his stool. Like in the picture i posted. Wonder if he got a hold of an object and was trying to pass it. He stays in a good size pen that stays clean of foreign objects. Hes still not him self but alot better. . Im hoping he is just having a bad day. Gonna worm him tomorrow and get some electrolyte for his water.
No clue. The diamond shape thing is hard like the pink thing in first picture. I never seen worms other than big ones puppies get that look like speghitti. Think i should gice him the dog wormer or wait till i can get safeguard in am

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