Peafowl Chicks


14 Years
Mar 5, 2009
Beech Creek, PA
I have two three-month old chicks and one two-month old chick together. My question is when should I turn off the heat lamp. They are all feathered up but seem to get cold if the heat lamp is turned off. I have them in my basement but want to put them in their outside coop. Thanks in advance.
I slowly transition them:
- inside with lamp on 24/7
- inside with lamp off during the day
- inside with no lamp
- their own area inside of the barn
- general population

Can't give you exact lengths of time for each step because they don't all hatch at the same time so different ages get mixed together. I would guess about 3 weeks on each step inside and then by themselves in the barn until February, then mixing with the older birds.

I've found they seem to get addicted to the lamp if you don't cut them back. They will cry for it when you first turn it off, which is why i start by turning it off during the day when I'm not around rather than at night when we all want to sleep!

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