Peafowl in northern climates (Canadian Maritimes)


In the Brooder
5 Years
May 4, 2014
NB Canada
I know that it is more than do-able but I was wondering what kind of set up you would need to keep peafowl safe in my area. Not sure how their cold tolerance is and if they would be able to still go out in the winter and the like. I haven't purchased any peafowl as of yet, something I want to do in the future and I was wondering if any other owners had them in similar climates and could give me a better idea of what I would need here in order to raise them happy and healthy!

I know that it is more than do-able but I was wondering what kind of set up you would need to keep peafowl safe in my area. Not sure how their cold tolerance is and if they would be able to still go out in the winter and the like. I haven't purchased any peafowl as of yet, something I want to do in the future and I was wondering if any other owners had them in similar climates and could give me a better idea of what I would need here in order to raise them happy and healthy!

Arbor is in Canada, but I'm not sure where at? Maybe you two can chat and see if your climates are similar. Welcome aboard!
Hi Miggea! Welcome to the Pea-nut gallery! I currently house my birds in a barn with 16x20 rooms and each room has a 16x16 flight pen attached. The barn is not heated, but I will lock them inside in the winter during the more foul weather. I keep anywhere from 3 to 6 birds in pens this size. Birds have free access to indoor and outdoor spaces 98% of the time. As long as you stay away from green peafowl and stick with Indian Blue or any of its colour mutations and patterns, you shouldn't need to heat indoor housing. The key is to provide wide perches (2x6 on the flat side) and to keep them out of direct wind in the winter. It was regularly down to -28 Celsius for several weeks here, and my birds did fine.
oh perfect!! this is just the info I was looking for! Thanks, would you by any chance have photos of your pens? Been trying to find a desing I like to start planning out for next year :D

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