
The peacock & peahen can start breeding at two years old but generally peacocks are fully mature and most certainly will breed at 3 years old and the peahens will certainly breed at 2 years old. They can breed most of their lifetime. I think one person on here has a peahen that is 20 years old and she still breeds and lays eggs each year.

Peahens only lay eggs in the spring and summer time - but sometimes they lay eggs early or late as some people have peahens already laying eggs. Mine usually start laying in April. If you take away the peahen's eggs I think she will lay around 30 eggs a year? I don't count how many eggs I get from each peahen, so someone else can answer the exact number better.

A peahen will lay a clutch of around 6 eggs. She will not sit on her nest until she has laid however many eggs she will lay for that clutch, and then she will sit on the eggs once she has them all laid in the nest. She does this so that all eggs will hatch on the same day.

Thanks Minx, very helpful. I have a chance to buy a breeding pair for $150 that are 3 years old. I was afraid that was a little old, but wow sounds like perfect!
Yes three is perfect definitely not too old! You won't have to wait for the peacock to mature and get his beautiful train because he will already have it.

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