Pecking at each other?!


9 Years
Mar 23, 2010
Portland, Oregon
I am worried. I have 4 chicks, one (a Plymouth Rock) that is much bigger than the others. She pecks at them: their feathers, feet, and even their EYES!
i am worried about them, especially a lil chickee (golden laced polish) that is usually shunned it the group. Is this normal, or no? Could this be the "pecking order" that establishes whos better than who?
I had a 3-week old white leghorn chick that drew blood and pecked at all the other chicks in various places. It got culled. No more bloody butts now. Remember, if you let this behavior go on, it will get picked up by the others.
Awww, poor little Polish! I am no expert here, but is there a way to separate them, maybe put a divider down the middle so the isolated one still gets heat. A oven shelf with zip ties or something? I think it is pecking order business, but if she draws blood, they'll all start pecking the poor little thing.
I was picking out some EE chicks at Rural King (ranch store) I was putting them in the box and husband was holding box. He said, "hey this chick keeps pecking the others right away as we put them in" I promptly removed said picker chick and replaced it with a different one. I noticed my white crested blue, black, and splash polish chicks seem to pick a bit more than my others in the brooder.
I've had to deal with my fair share of pecking! I separated mine from the group for a couple of days first. I also used the Vicks vapor rub mixed with the grape KoolAid that I saw someone else here mention. Works like a dream!!!! I smeared a little bit on the areas that were getting pecked and no one messed with them! My little meanie would look as if she was getting ready to peck but at the last second would start shaking her head and walk away. I tried the red light but that didn't work very well. My bird was extremely persistent! I also added "toys." Small strips of fabric hanging from the ceiling of the brooder. As long as there aren't any loose strings hanging from the strips, they should be fine. The last tip I received was to finely chop up some cabbage and give it to them. I guess it sort of beats boredom? It certainly keeps mine busy. Good luck with your guys! Pecking sucks!
Good tip on the Vicks, I will try that if any pecking restarts. The leghorn that got put down, it pecked at wings, beaks, eyes, everything. Mean little bugger. It was the commercial strain pearl white from McMurray. The other one I got from them is behaving itself after a beak trim.

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