Pecking order at bedtime?


11 Years
May 19, 2009
Simpsonville, South Carolina
I wonder if anyone else has noticed this, or is it just my chickens. I have seven hens of various breeds. The top hen is a Golden Comet called Victoria (she is also my best layer). They are two years old. In observing them at dusk, I noticed that Victoria always goes in to roost first. The others follow in no particular order, except for a RIR who seems to be Victoria's second in command (top sergeant? First Lieutenant?) who chases the late-to-bed ones in, makes a circuit of the yard checking for strays, and then goes in herself. There is one BR hen who likes to stay out until it's almost pitch dark, and the other night I saw Red attack her viciously, pulling feathers and biting her comb before chasing her into the coop. I find it interesting that Victoria doesn't take this role, but delegates it to an underling. Vic is definitely top hen, first at the treats, etc.

Chicken behavior is fascinating! Better than a soap opera on TV!
Oh yeah, bedtime is pretty comical. The other day I was a little late feeding my flock, they had already gone to roost although it wasn't dark yet. When I propped the coop door open to do my chores, Nellie flew down and went outside. Then Lucky, my rooster, immediately followed her out and chased her around the yard with his feathers all ruffled like, "how dare you get off the roost, I said it's time for bed!"
I have noticed my birds seem to have a particular order on the roosts. In the evenings when I go out to check on them they always seem to be in the same places.
Mine to same spots every night my silkies go in first... Early birds
This is a really interesting thread. I have 2 big RIR, and recently I tricked two smaller other breeds (not sure what). At bedtime the reds chase the smaller birds out and they have a tough time trying to get to bed. It's not a massive area they sleep in so I am thinking of making an extension, but the reds definitely don't like the smaller birds going in! Poor little ****ers

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