Pecking order? Or a bully? Why the change?

Feb 17, 2021
I have a beautiful quail hen that is about 6 months old that has all of the sudden started tormenting the other birds in her cage. They have all lived in peace for 6 months then suddenly she won't leave anyone alone. She pecks and chases them but so far doesn't draw blood. What flipped the switch? Is she bullying or just pecking order type deal?
I removed her for a few days to see if it calmed things down but as soon as I put her back she went right back to it.
I really don't want to have to send her to freezer camp because she's really a sweet bird to humans and a gorgeous Schofield Silver color.

Anything I can do to stop this behavior? What could have happened?

I'd appreciate any advice or ideas.
Sometimes they just start like this. You might try taking all of your quail out of their pen, then rearrange everything. When you put them all back in at the same time, it's a new place, and they will often get along again. There is a change it won't work, because each quail has its own personality, but that has worked for me.
Sometimes they just start like this. You might try taking all of your quail out of their pen, then rearrange everything. When you put them all back in at the same time, it's a new place, and they will often get along again. There is a change it won't work, because each quail has its own personality, but that has worked for me.
Thank you. I'll give that a try.
Wish I knew what flipped the switch. I had one that I bred before realizing she was aggressive, and now I have pecky offspring to remove too.

Water/vinegar didn't help. Putting her in an unfamiliar pen with an established group hoping she'd be at the bottom of the pecking order didn't help, she attacked them too. She is gone so next time I'll try rearranging the pen, but I'm not that hopeful.
I have a beautiful quail hen that is about 6 months old that has all of the sudden started tormenting the other birds in her cage. They have all lived in peace for 6 months then suddenly she won't leave anyone alone. She pecks and chases them but so far doesn't draw blood. What flipped the switch? Is she bullying or just pecking order type deal?
I removed her for a few days to see if it calmed things down but as soon as I put her back she went right back to it.
I really don't want to have to send her to freezer camp because she's really a sweet bird to humans and a gorgeous Schofield Silver color.

Anything I can do to stop this behavior? What could have happened?

I'd appreciate any advice or ideas.
On one of my favorite YouTube channels, Kevin says you can't give the quail too much room because they get territorial. A tinier cage is better than a big cage. Living Traditions Homestead. It may be the Dec 4 2021 video. First project in the new workshop. 50 quail grow out cage. when all else fails, eat her.
I've found the more space + more furniture (cover, hides, line-of-sight blockers, etc.) you give them, the less likely typical pecking is to turn into bullying.

Anecdotally, increased non-targeted aggression in females can mean they're trying to secure a nesting space. All of my broody hens went through a period of fussing at their cage-mates and settled down once they had their preferred nest to themselves (except my speckled Golden, who actively traded off with two other hens and had a gentle personality).
I’ve manage to do a see but no touch approach where I separated the aggressor into their own timeout cage inside the pen. took 2 days but they eventually did calm down and integrated back successfully
I’ve done the same. I have a bully bin and make sure it’s still next to the others where they can see each other. After a few days, they’re okay again but I find that the pecking order literally rotates from one quail to another no matter how many quails you have. I figured even with two, they will be peaceful but I now have two left and there is still a pecking order.
I’ve manage to do a see but no touch approach where I separated the aggressor into their own timeout cage inside the pen. took 2 days but they eventually did calm down and integrated back successfully
I do the same. I have a bully bin and separate them for a few days but make sure they are side by side so they can see each other. After a 2-3 days, they are fine again. I noticed that the pecking order literally rotates from one to another. I now only have two left and I thought they would be peaceful because all they have is each other. Boy was I wrong. The pecking order continues.

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