Pecking order woes


7 Years
Sep 8, 2015
Hi, I have a hen pecking issue with one of my girls.. The 'head' hen was separated while setting on a nest, and when it became clear her eggs would not hatch, I put her back with the flock. Now she is at the very bottom and being bullied relentlessly. My chix free range all day, so the only time she really has trouble is when I shut them in at night. I hoped they would eventually accept her back, but I finally started separating her at night and letting her run with them for the day. Is there any way they can be sleeping buddies again? She doesn't like being away from the flock by herself, but there's no one I can give her for company who won't peck her.
Once removed from the flock a bird has to make her way back into the pecking order. As long as they are not causing physical injury, allow them to work things out.

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