pecking where the tail meets the back


In the Brooder
11 Years
Apr 26, 2008
Our buff brahma chick had a bloody back 2 days ago. I've caught our other chicks in the of act picking at her. What they do is they pick out feathers and EAT THEM!!! I dont think they are trying to be mean, though. Is there a reason for this act??

thanks in advance,

How old are they? If they are "young adults" or adults, they may pick and eat feathers due to lack of protein. If they are chicks, they can pick feathers out of boredom, or just the fact that blood feathers taste oh so good to them. I'd separate the pickee till the feathers recover enough to be put back.
^ what he said. Most likely its boredom you see that alot in chicks. Could also be over crowded. take that into account. also. The way you described it. Sounded like their pecking at her Oil gland. so. they maybe trying to eat the oil? But, Any ways to fix boredom try letting them free range some. and if you worry about putting them out. put them in a pretty good sized pen. or you could just put grass clippings in the pen with them from time to time. Also. if you have styrofoam you can put a piece of that in there and they'll peck it (and eat it) keeps them from being bored. but after i told people i did that on here they went nuts on me so wouldn't suggest it. And the grass is better for them!.

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thanks both of you!! to answer silkiechicken's question... they are a little more then 9 weeks old.

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