peeling brown eggs

Can any-one tell me how to peel brown eggs ,after you have boiled them

Sometimes I have better luck if I hard boil the night before,leaving them in the fridge overnight seems to make the shells come off in bigger hunks(as moisture evaporates)&pulls less "meat" away from the actual egg. If I try peeling them straight after boiling,ugh- wind up with nawed looking deviled eggs. That's the only thing I have found SO FAR. Please share if you come across a better solution!
They should peel the same as white. Older eggs are supposed to peel easier. I found a recipe on this site years ago that hasn't failed me.

Get you water boiling, add a good share of salt, lower the eggs into the water, boil for 14 minutes, run under cold water just enough to handle them the get them peeled. I occasionally have a problem egg but most cooperate. Good luck.
Here's my formula, which works 99% of the time (I still get a stubborn shell every now and then, to be completely honest):

  1. Don't boil egg that are less than a week old.
  2. Add a decent amount of salt to the water.
  3. When done boiling, IMMEDIATELY transfer eggs from boiling into iced water (this also helps prevent the yolks from 'greening').

Both my hen's lay brown eggs (Australorps) and when i do buy from the market I always buy veggie fed cage free brown eggs. Not that the color of the shell means squat.
Here's my formula, which works 99% of the time (I still get a stubborn shell every now and then, to be completely honest):

  1. Don't boil egg that are less than a week old.
  2. Add a decent amount of salt to the water.
  3. When done boiling, IMMEDIATELY transfer eggs from boiling into iced water (this also helps prevent the yolks from 'greening').

Both my hen's lay brown eggs (Australorps) and when i do buy from the market I always buy veggie fed cage free brown eggs. Not that the color of the shell means squat.

Iced water! Ha I never thought of that,great post,,,storing this one in the vault
thanks for the tip!
I boil eggs the same as oldhenlikesdogs except I have also boiled eggs just in from the nesting box with no problems. So far all have peeled perfectly but I haven't boiled all that many. I'm sure the day will come when I run across a stubborn one. I'm curious though, there are always a lot of tiny bubbles coming from the eggs when they first go into the boiling water. Maybe I have just never watched eggs boil until I had my own. Is this normal?
I boil eggs the same as oldhenlikesdogs except I have also boiled eggs just in from the nesting box with no problems. So far all have peeled perfectly but I haven't boiled all that many. I'm sure the day will come when I run across a stubborn one.  I'm curious though, there are always a lot of tiny bubbles coming from the eggs when they first go into the boiling water. Maybe  I have just never watched eggs boil until I had my own. Is this normal?
I see them too, the egg has an air cell so I assume it's air coming out of that.
I tried something today that I read online. Put the eggs in cold water. Add 1-2 tsp baking soda. Once simmering, remove from heat and cover for 12 minutes. After 12 min, drop the eggs into a bowl of ice water. Once they're cooled, tap one the bottom to break and peel. Worked like a charm with 11 of 12 eggs looking great. I cant remember the exact reason for the soda... something about raising the alkaline level??

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