Pekin Bullies


Jul 26, 2017
So we recently moved to the country and we had to do some coop proofing.
Our first night we had something get into the coop and take both of my khakis, male and female.
This left my pekin female by herself and she was quite the sad duck.
I found a woman selling adult
Pekins and bought two, a drake and a hen.
We brought them home, super excited for my lone Pekin.
Unfortunately this was not a warm introduction and has just made things worse.
The new female hates Aflac.
Aflac was the one we got the two new Pekins for.
They’ve beaten and bullied her for several days and I’m at wits end.
What do I do?
Usually the males split up fights. Have you separated the new ducks from your original for a week? This may work as they get to see each other but cant get to each other. When they are released together provide plenty of food and potentially in a variety of areas to reduce meetings between them.

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