Pekin drake aggressive towards some females

Of course with supervision sorry I didn't mention that.
They can def pick out if there is a weakness in the flock. You maybe on to something. Just wondering how he would react if it was just him and them.
I'm curious too but just had foot surgery and it'll be a little bit before I can be out there to supervise and try it.
Our drake is the same with two of the hens. We got a couple more females, hoping that would help but now he just harasses them too. So, he’s separated for awhile and I’m hoping he calms down… I really don’t want to rehome him and also figure rehoming a drake can’t be easy! Who wants another one?? Haha. Good luck! I hope a time out works for you too.
We are having the same problem with our flock (who are all adopted). Young drake seems to attack the 2 that have stopped laying (older). First he pulled at the eyes of one of them when she stopped laying and pulled a lot of feathers from her neck area and stomped on her when mating. Brought her to vet and kept her inside to recuperate. Now another has stopped laying and he is aggressive to her to the point I think he's hurt her lungs because she's wheezing while breathing. Taking her to vet tomorrow. Thank you for the advice of "Duck Jail" for drakes until Autumn. (I thought it was just Ricky because he's so young and was being a jerk.)
We are having the same problem with our flock (who are all adopted). Young drake seems to attack the 2 that have stopped laying (older). First he pulled at the eyes of one of them when she stopped laying and pulled a lot of feathers from her neck area and stomped on her when mating. Brought her to vet and kept her inside to recuperate. Now another has stopped laying and he is aggressive to her to the point I think he's hurt her lungs because she's wheezing while breathing. Taking her to vet tomorrow. Thank you for the advice of "Duck Jail" for drakes until Autumn. (I thought it was just Ricky because he's so young and was being a jerk.)
Jail time!

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