Pekin lost her mate


7 Years
Jun 8, 2012
Fawn Grove, PA
Help! My Pekin lost her mate four days ago. She now quacks incessantly and will not get in her kiddie pool. She has chosen to sleep with the six chickens at night instead of her pen. ( I have no other ducks.) How can I get her to go back in the water? She won't even stick her bill in and therefore waddles around with a muddy face. Although she witnessed her mates abduction, it did not take place in the pool.
Help! My Pekin lost her mate four days ago. She now quacks incessantly and will not get in her kiddie pool. She has chosen to sleep with the six chickens at night instead of her pen. ( I have no other ducks.) How can I get her to go back in the water? She won't even stick her bill in and therefore waddles around with a muddy face. Although she witnessed her mates abduction, it did not take place in the pool.
Just having to witness something like that though has probably got her very upset. You need to give her time to adjust. can you find her a duckie companion they really like their own kind. Bless her heart she is calling for her mate, please try to be patient with her she needs time to grieve. At least she has the chickens for comfort. And

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