
Any body had good luck with pekin ducks? Internet says they get up to about 9-10lbs

I have three female pekins who are almost 10 months old. I love them - they're so cute and have fun personalities. Two of mine weigh ten pounds and the other probably slightly less. They have been great egg layers too. BUT, I've had one case of bumblefoot, two sore legs that made them limp and took several weeks to heal, splay leg as a baby for one of them because she grew so fast, eye infection for one, and a mysterious skin ailment that I've spent $800 on at the vet over the course of 4 months, and she still has it. I have heard that white layer ducks are smaller and have all the perks of pekins but less problems.
I have had Pekins for several years now, they are a very friendly happy breed, that will give you plenty of eggs and if wanted meat. Why are you looking to raise them? If it's for a pet don't expect a very long life from them, as they usually end up suffering from leg problems due to there heavyweight and slowly decline from there.
I had a single Pekin drake with my other ducks and he was SO loud. He was pretty big too, I'd say around 9 pounds. Grew fast, tasted great. Wouldn't get anymore if only because how ridiculously loud he was compared to other breeds I've had.
I love my Pekin, Honey, but I am caring for a foot problem that started last week, and she's not really improved at all. She was 10.8lbs, but I know she's lost some weight because she normally free ranges and eats all day long on whatever they find, but she's only getting her duck feed now. I really like this breed so much. They're more friendly than my others, but it's awful seeing them in pain like this. One of my Pekin Drakes hatched with a foot deformity and although I was able to get him walking on the bottom of his foot instead of his ankle, he still has a significant limp and falls easily. He is only 7lbs but the same age as my Pekin duck and other Pekin Drake (which I suspect is a Jumbo Pekin at 11lbs)
Yes. Have three Pekins. Two females and a male. Got the two in August last year as ducklings, and the second female bought from a local farm to add to the mix in November. They weigh around 10lbs. I keep them in a fenced in backyard, they free range around the yard during the day, and are secured in a kennel in the evening. Happy Ducks.



I have three female pekins who are almost 10 months old. I love them - they're so cute and have fun personalities. Two of mine weigh ten pounds and the other probably slightly less. They have been great egg layers too. BUT, I've had one case of bumblefoot, two sore legs that made them limp and took several weeks to heal, splay leg as a baby for one of them because she grew so fast, eye infection for one, and a mysterious skin ailment that I've spent $800 on at the vet over the course of 4 months, and she still has it. I have heard that white layer ducks are smaller and have all the perks of pekins but less problems.
But we have had members that have had Pekin sit their eggs an hatch. But also you can bring in a few Muscovy females to do the hatching. Always a good excuse to get more ducks!

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