Penedesenca Crele


Dec 11, 2015
Spicewood, Texas
Hey guys!
I'm new to this forum but not to chickens! We recently moved to a large piece of land in the Texas hill country. I would like to start raising some chickens here and I am looking for a good breeder to get some crele penedesenca chickens from. I haven't had much luck searching online so if anyone has any leads please let me know!
Welcome to BYC! I'm new too and looking for Penedesencas in spite of trying to downsize our flock. I wanted them for the egg color because we sell eggs. It never occurred to me that Penedencas' flighty nature would be great to keep them from becoming a hawk's dinner. Our Leghorns are supposed to be flighty, but they aren't to us because we hand-raised them. They run to us at night when they can't figure out how to get back in the right coop (we have a bunch of runs and coops, and we changed the layout recently). The stand at our feet until somebody picks them up and carries them to bed. I hope the same is true of Penedescencas, I mean that they'll be friendly to us, not unwary of predators. 

I haven't had the luck of raising any of this breed yet but it sounds like you are a great chicken mama! I have read that they are a little on the wild side, therefore they are great at foraging and evading predators. I have also read that you can get them used to humans but they aren't super friendly or anything. I have found some great info and possible leads on eggs on the Penedesenca Facebook group! Also, if you go onto the USA Penedesenca website there is a list of breeders on there. I have only gotten in touch with one that has a small flock but you might have more luck calling the other ones. There are definitely partridge and black Penedesenca breeders on the Penedesenca breeder page on here that sell hatching eggs. I just fell in love with the crele feather color and egg color so I really want a flock of my own too
Hi and welcome to BYC - I hope you are successful in finding your chickens.

Welcome to BYC. Glad you decided to join our flock. My wife and I were both raised in the great state of Texas. :eek:) Definitely check out the links that Yorkshire coop has left with you and good luck in getting your Crele Penedesencas. I love the chocolate eggs of the Penedesencas. In my personal opinion, they are the prettiest eggs in the chicken world. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. We are here to help in any way we can. Cheers.
Thanks for the tips and welcomes guys! And Michael the eggs are a huge sell for me! They are beautiful and I need a flighty forager out here! I have seen many Hawks already!
Welcome to BYC. You may want to put the breed in the search box and see what pops up. I know A bycer that has penedescenca chickens but, can't recall his name.

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