Penedesenca Crele

Welcome to BYC! I'm new too and looking for Penedesencas in spite of trying to downsize our flock. I wanted them for the egg color because we sell eggs. It never occurred to me that Penedencas' flighty nature would be great to keep them from becoming a hawk's dinner. Our Leghorns are supposed to be flighty, but they aren't to us because we hand-raised them. They run to us at night when they can't figure out how to get back in the right coop (we have a bunch of runs and coops, and we changed the layout recently). The stand at our feet until somebody picks them up and carries them to bed. I hope the same is true of Penedescencas, I mean that they'll be friendly to us, not unwary of predators.
Lauren welcome to the site and nice chatting on the Facebook page.
Crele have been hard to come by but ill have them laying again before long.
The darkest eggs come from Partridge and Wheaton but I've got some pretty dark eggs from my crele as well
Oh lord! Haha! I'm just bothering you everywhere aren't I! Well thanks again for your patience. And really I would gladly buy partridge wheaten or Crele from you if/when you are selling hatching eggs!
Welcome to the BYC flock! We are glad you joined us!


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