Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Do any of you have any orpington large fowl chicks? I've become a chicken enabler for a friend of a friend, and she is interested in orps. Preferable fairly close to Harrisburg area.

Depending what you are looking for. I have some orpington eggs in the incubator. I have three blue and a black, however the roosters art the time were a lemon and a lavender. There is also the outside possibility a s Swedish Flower Hen roo may have gotten in there.
They are due Easter weekend,v with any luck. I will happily part with some for very little money.
If they are looking for show stock, mine aren't the ones, but for a backyard flock might be very pretty. I'm only 20 minutes from Harrisburg.
Also, wing had two buffs, I didn't take,. Adults.
Hi sall
Halo has either a broken or dislocated leg, I told DH the darn ramp was too steep! On the to do list for tomorrow! Brought him in and he is drinking and eating like crazy so he didnt get to the feed yesterday, but I like a chicken thats eating and drinking thats for sure. I tried to feel and see if its popped out or something but I dont see or feel anything wrong. poor guy! I think its his hip. Hi Sally my one cochin hen had been stepped on by one or the horses out foraging in the pasture just kept her confined and quiet for a week until she was going stir crazy and demanded to be allowed to roam. She just hobbled and rested a bit with the flock for a month or so. Now she gets around just fine. A mild limp when she runs but otherwise a happy LF cochin. Hope this helps.
Oh no! HUgs and Prayers to you. I know what you mean. We rescue all kinds of animals, and have lots. sometimes they get older all at the same time and it seems the poop hits the fan. It's very stressful. Especially because they become family. Know that you gave them a good life while they were here, and it was time.
So what all kinds of animals have found a home at your house?

OK, Look what I did. I said I was gonna stick with Chickens, but TSC had Khaki Campbells, and I have been wanting them for a long time, just always missed the boat on finding some. So happy!!! Gonna spoil them rotten!!!
I have to go over there today...kinda afraid of what may come with me..
Yay! Thanks! Ok, so I really only want one pulley of each kind, however I understand most are sold strait run as chicks, so if I have to get "extras" I will.
The List:
Silkie- any color but white please.

Cochin- not sure on color or type in these so anything pretty.

Legbars - just heard about this breed thanks to the wonderful people of this site. Lol
Polish- any color or variation is fine.
Swedish flower hen- h&h will have some. They just don't know when yet. They have a young flock.
Chestnut Grove Cluckers is right over the line in Md and has some Polish for sale right now. Great folks and they have white crested blue and white crested black polish. They have a quad for sale for $75 and they are already started birds.
Forgot to add olive eggers...
Blarney has Olive Eggers (OE)
Of course ~ that is what we are here for!
Enabler. lol

Halo has either a broken or dislocated leg, I told DH the darn ramp was too steep!
On the to do list for tomorrow!
Brought him in and he is drinking and eating like crazy so he didnt get to the feed yesterday, but I like a chicken thats eating and drinking thats for sure. I tried to feel and see if its popped out or something but I dont see or feel anything wrong. poor guy! I think its his hip.
Er...I mean handsome.
I hope he gets better!!
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So what all kinds of animals have found a home at your house?
I have to go over there today...kinda afraid of what may come with me..
Chestnut Grove Cluckers is right over the line in Md and has some Polish for sale right now. Great folks and they have white crested blue and white crested black polish. They have a quad for sale for $75 and they are already started birds.
Blarney has Olive Eggers (OE)
Enabler. lol
ALL YOU EASTER HATCHALONGERS did you see the prizes so far for the CONTEST TOMORROW NIGHT????
I hope I did well and everyone has fun or I will be totally bummed!

here is the link to my post..... Chad you want to donate any egg layer eggs like wing? let me know please! or anyone else signed up for the hatchalong
Sure! can even throw some quail eggs in there.

These are the ones they have for sale
PM me, one prize or two prizes mind you will have to ship so its up to you if you want to do one or two!

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