Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

I am SO so friggin happy right now!!!!
Alright, so in the background of my Poultry obsession, I also have a more manageable obsession with creepy crawlies (It came from my mom. I grew up throwing uneaten food scraps in a jar full of hissing cockroaches my mom liked to keep in the kitchen. Classier than fish, apparently)
I currently own 1 Sunglow Amelanistic Cornsnake, 1 Pinstripe Ball Python and 1 Honduras Curly-haired Tarantula.
My python has always been a problem eater, and he's stayed small because of it. I've been really worried about him lately because he's been off food for almost 5 weeks. Well, he FINALLY ate tonight!!! Even if he would only take a little meal for me, I got something in him! Maybe his metabolism will perk back up soon...

Is he trying to shed?
I might want some. Send me a pm with details. I have 11 blue swedish, my as well have some more! I am going to try goose eggs too, my as well since I am doing a high humidity hatch, put some duck eggs in to! I really want some splash and black too!!!

Speaking of duck eggs, would anyone like some blue Swedish eggs to hatch? I'm not ready to start hatching ducks yet, so they're getting hard boiled and fed to the dogs & poultry.

I just need a day or so notice to keep my Pekin girls separate. I've only got Swedish males, so the Swedish girls are laying pure eggs.
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Josephrose, I also was wondering if you thought of bantams? Bantam Cochin, and Silkies are really great with special needs kids. My DD has Downs. She is in 4-H and is doing very well with the Cochins. The other kids are also very good to her :) It just warms my heart!!!

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