Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Missy, you don't need handy skills, I told you, the cute guy at Home Depot cuts the wood for you! ; )

Thomas, you are soooo right! It is NOT a coop, it is a BROODER. so there you go. I got the plans here on BYC. Tweeked it just a little. Next one is going to be tweeked a bit more. Adding Wire bottom to the run, changing wall wood to quarter inch ply so it's lighter, and shortening wall height so that

1) it's lighter still
2) the hen is closer to the ventilation
3) the darling 8 year old can reach bottom to feed chicks treats.
4) when I changed it to 18.75 inches, I got 10 pieces instead of 8 out of 1 piece of ply (which means more coops, uh, I mean Brooders)

I also figure on using these for quarantine after shows (If I ever get to one) and/or a hospital coop to isolate injured chooks from the flock. Ta DA! Now... on to chicks...

Still no Marans Wahhhh! : (

Mama! Way too exciting! I've got 8 MF Cochin eggs under my remaining broodys. They are interesting in that you never know what yer gonna get, chick color wise!

The coop is basically 2 by 2 by 2. Roof is 6 feet long, run is 4 by 2. Legs are 30 inches high.
Heeeyyy fellow Pa Peeps! Turns out my one EE in question turned out to be a Roo!!!! I am SOOO thinking of letting him Breed with my Lavender Orp Phaedre (when she matures) just to see what happens!!!!!! However, I think I am getting ahead of myself, as I don't even have an incubator and no clue what I'm doing ha ha ha, Here's to Lofty hopes!
Hehehe. I was telling hubby that orpingtons like to go broody and that I was thinking that I might let her/them sit on eggs.
He asked where was I going to put them.
So I showed him the brooder box pic.
He told me to save the pic. :)
Thanks Blarney!!
My run is big enough that I will put the brooder(s) in there so they will still be safe from preds.
I have part of it divided off so that when the babies get bigger I can let them expand their space,
while still keeping them seperate from the rest of the flock. is your polish hatch going? Any more babies? Are they bantam or LF and what colors are you hatching?
I love my polish. Right now I'm on my 3rd hatch in 10 days. I have another hatch scheduled for Monday. My goal is to have them close enough in age so that they can all grow up together in one pen. I'm trying to get White Crested Blues, but mostly WCBlack have been hatching so I'm going to have lots of extras come fall.
I think that 2 blues hatched today, but they are still drying and I don't want to count my blues until they're dry. is your polish hatch going? Any more babies? Are they bantam or LF and what colors are you hatching?
I love my polish. Right now I'm on my 3rd hatch in 10 days. I have another hatch scheduled for Monday. My goal is to have them close enough in age so that they can all grow up together in one pen. I'm trying to get White Crested Blues, but mostly WCBlack have been hatching so I'm going to have lots of extras come fall.
I think that 2 blues hatched today, but they are still drying and I don't want to count my blues until they're dry.

Well, I had to help one out last night. It looks like there is too much moisture in my eggs and she appeared to be drowning. Now she is just SO weak. I hope she pulls through.

I bought eggs and the mix was buff-laced, WC black, WC chocolate and WC cuckoo. But I am concerned because I have no more pips. We lost power 3 times during the process, once for 15 hours. 18 went on lockdown. The first pip died before she got out, the second was a BL and I am not sure yet what color this little weak one is... she is still very wet. They are all bantams.

So that is my question to you all; what do you keep your humidity at during incubation? What about during lockdown? I am obviously doing something wrong here!

Here's the new brooder pre~chicks. I tried to post yesterday, but it wouldn't let me. I've gathered the materials to make two more. The one for the Silkie needs to be done NOW as my son says he heard peeping under her today, when it rains, it pours! I got the guy at Home Depot to cut the wood for me, saved me time, was easier for me to handle, and it actually fit in my car. Plus he was cute, which doesn't hurt.
I do believe I have talked hubby in to making me one (or three) of these!!!

Thanks Blarney!!
Amy, Make sure you get a property that allows chickens.... Guess you already thought of that.

Mama, got another little head sticking out, all black, and Orp! Really wanted Marans babies.... It's all I can do not to lift her up and take a peek!!

Here's the new brooder pre~chicks. I tried to post yesterday, but it wouldn't let me. I've gathered the materials to make two more. The one for the Silkie needs to be done NOW as my son says he heard peeping under her today, when it rains, it pours! I got the guy at Home Depot to cut the wood for me, saved me time, was easier for me to handle, and it actually fit in my car. Plus he was cute, which doesn't hurt.

I will post chick pics soon.... hopefully at least ONE Marans?
Can I get a link to specs for this? I want to try to make one...
Well, I had to help one out last night. It looks like there is too much moisture in my eggs and she appeared to be drowning. Now she is just SO weak. I hope she pulls through.

I bought eggs and the mix was buff-laced, WC black, WC chocolate and WC cuckoo. But I am concerned because I have no more pips. We lost power 3 times during the process, once for 15 hours. 18 went on lockdown. The first pip died before she got out, the second was a BL and I am not sure yet what color this little weak one is... she is still very wet. They are all bantams.

So that is my question to you all; what do you keep your humidity at during incubation? What about during lockdown? I am obviously doing something wrong here!

I am sorry about the bad luck! I use the room humidity method. Which is I don't worry about what the humidity is until lockdown. I should not say that, I have mine set to not go below 30%. It is humid here so I usually don't have any problems. During lockdown I bump it up to 80%. That way if they pip early, there is usually enough moisture til it hatches, and they don't drown because the white disapated. That's what works for me, you could try it, but I don't know what kind of bator you are using. Good Luck

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