Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Woo Hoo Mama!! Thanks for posting. Still only one yellow chick head sticking out from under my broody. Hoping for a Maran today!!

Shelbear, I haven't tried this, but know other BYCers that hold off on turning the first few days on eggs that have been handled roughly, they seem to think it helps repair the aircell? Good luck with your hatch.

WELCOME Candlegal! My daughter is back 'up North' after living on the Outer Banks for 4 years, we don't get nearly as much snow here in the lower east portion of the state. Wishing you luck, and suggesting some puzzles for those long dark March evenings.
I know...but patience is certainly not a virtue I posses! I take it that they all have developed so far? or are the eggs too tiny to tell?

Well, I don't usually candle eggs, but I did yours last night. 3 of 5 are clear, so it looks like you'll be getting 2 babies out of this batch. Bummer. It didn't occur to me to candle the next batch. If you want to drop off more eggs with my friend today, go ahead. I set a marans hatch last night, so the incubator is still going.

I can always send you some Salmon faverolles chicks when you come for your babies....
Woo Hoo Mama!! Thanks for posting. Still only one yellow chick head sticking out from under my broody. Hoping for a Maran today!!

Shelbear, I haven't tried this, but know other BYCers that hold off on turning the first few days on eggs that have been handled roughly, they seem to think it helps repair the aircell? Good luck with your hatch.

Any news Blarney? I have a second polish pipping and my silkie pipping, too.

Shel, don't give up on them. They may just surprise you ;)
Thanks for the info y'all! We will be up that way checking out the offices and areas at the end of the month. I won't mind escaping the heat for a little bit anyway. From looking online there is some beautiful country up there- with rolling hills! We don't have hills here at all.
I'm seeing some cute chicks in everyone's avatars! If we move I will probably have to start a new flock up there so I'm going to start poking around the thread for possibilities
Amy, Make sure you get a property that allows chickens.... Guess you already thought of that.

Mama, got another little head sticking out, all black, and Orp! Really wanted Marans babies.... It's all I can do not to lift her up and take a peek!!

Here's the new brooder pre~chicks. I tried to post yesterday, but it wouldn't let me. I've gathered the materials to make two more. The one for the Silkie needs to be done NOW as my son says he heard peeping under her today, when it rains, it pours! I got the guy at Home Depot to cut the wood for me, saved me time, was easier for me to handle, and it actually fit in my car. Plus he was cute, which doesn't hurt.

I will post chick pics soon.... hopefully at least ONE Marans?
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beaglady, aww,,,was hoping for more...but there is the other batch!

akuma, we're already triple booked for that that sucks! much are you charging for those! I have NO handy skills..and that looks great!
Amy, Make sure you get a property that allows chickens.... Guess you already thought of that.

Mama, got another little head sticking out, all black, and Orp! Really wanted Marans babies.... It's all I can do not to lift her up and take a peek!!

Here's the new brooder pre~chicks. I tried to post yesterday, but it wouldn't let me. I've gathered the materials to make two more. The one for the Silkie needs to be done NOW as my son says he heard peeping under her today, when it rains, it pours! I got the guy at Home Depot to cut the wood for me, saved me time, was easier for me to handle, and it actually fit in my car. Plus he was cute, which doesn't hurt.

I will post chick pics soon.... hopefully at least ONE Marans?

That is a really cool brooder pen. Great idea. Hubby said no more coops, but that wouldn't really count. Hummmm :)
I know that you know to check if chickens are allowed, but I cannot stress how important it is to check fully.
PA has alot of "townships" that have their own rules and I know one lady personally who thought that she
was okay on her "country" property, but it turned out that the township had different ideas.
Amy, Make sure you get a property that allows chickens.... Guess you already thought of that.

Mama, got another little head sticking out, all black, and Orp! Really wanted Marans babies.... It's all I can do not to lift her up and take a peek!!

I will post chick pics soon.... hopefully at least ONE Marans?
That looks great!!! YOu have to give us the specs!

I am so excited that I won 10 MF bantam cochin eggs last night. These birds look ah-mazing!! And I just ordered 18 bantam amerucanas, too.

Still think I might like to have some bantam wyandottes or bantam orpingtons.... maybe some Maran. How big are they anyhow?

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