Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Hi there! Welcome to BYC!

We camp in East Springfield, just about 2 or 3 miles from Lake City... are you in that area?

Will check in a later this afternoon, weather pending.... heading out to St Mary's area to do some mowing before the weather sets in... everyone stay safe!
Yes that is near our location. I can't say I have ever camped that way before. What type of camping? We usually head East to Warren/Allegheny forest area. Hope you get to go and if you do stay dry : P Rained hard enough to wake me up at 1:00 a.m. from a dead sleep. At least it was just rain and no more tornado type activities.
Your puppy is adorable by the way! Life jacket?
Yes that is near our location. I can't say I have ever camped that way before. What type of camping? We usually head East to Warren/Allegheny forest area. Hope you get to go and if you do stay dry : P Rained hard enough to wake me up at 1:00 a.m. from a dead sleep. At least it was just rain and no more tornado type activities.
Your puppy is adorable by the way! Life jacket?
We have a permanent site at a campground, we used to tent camp in the area when we went up on fishing trips, now set up a much more complete camp as a 'home base' for the fishing trips.
We have tent camped Kinzua, and also have a more primitive family camp/property in the 'hills' of lower Elk County near Medix Run. The Warren/Allegheny forest area is beautiful!

Thanks for the pup comment, and yep, all of our dogs wear life jackets when out on the boat. We take off the big dogs' life jackets if we are trolling or anchored to fish and the lake is calm, but if it is choppy or we are traveling at any speed the jackets are back on. The pup will wear his all the time till he is more experienced out on the boat. His first trip out was this past weekend and he seemed to love it, which was great!
Dillon got some conversation time in while we idled out through the harbor...

and some nap time in while we were trolling out on the big lake...

and some chilling time with the experienced sailor bud, Mindy....
My sister just bought a life jacket for the baby. Her logic was that if she insists on life jackets for the dogs, she'd be a terrible mama if she didn't insist on one for her child.
My sister just bought a life jacket for the baby. Her logic was that if she insists on life jackets for the dogs, she'd be a terrible mama if she didn't insist on one for her child.

yes, I think it is mandatory for children under the age of 12/13.....if the boat is underway that is.....
"We have a permanent site at a campground, we used to tent camp in the area when we went up on fishing trips, now set up a much more complete camp as a 'home base' for the fishing trips.
We have tent camped Kinzua, and also have a more primitive family camp/property in the 'hills' of lower Elk County near Medix Run. The Warren/Allegheny forest area is beautiful!

Thanks for the pup comment, and yep, all of our dogs wear life jackets when out on the boat. We take off the big dogs' life jackets if we are trolling or anchored to fish and the lake is calm, but if it is choppy or we are traveling at any speed the jackets are back on. The pup will wear his all the time till he is more experienced out on the boat. His first trip out was this past weekend and he seemed to love it, which was great"

(oops new egg messed up the quote)

Smart for open water. Had a potentially dangerous situation with a life vest on a dog in French Creek though. The poor dog was really tiring its self. it was in and out of the boat and running on shore and back into the water when the vest and dog got hung up on a wier. He was so entangled and his head was going below the water. Truly thought our friends were going to be paddling a corpse home. Our pups are not good boaters but they love to camp!

Baby Maakie's first camping trip at Gardner's rocks.

Fun on the rocks. Hubby and neighbor boy.

Cuddy Bara the amazing Aussi and lover of chickens, flying discs and disgusting soccer balls.
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Smart for open water. Had a potentially dangerous situation with a life vest on a dog in French Creek though. The poor dog was really tiring its self. it was in and out of the boat and running on shore and back into the water when the vest and dog got hung up on a wier. He was so entangled and his head was going below the water. Truly thought our friends were going to be paddling a corpse home. Our pups are not good boaters but they love to camp!

Baby Maakie's first camping trip at Gardner's rocks.

Fun on the rocks. Hubby and neighbor boy.

Cuddy Bara the amazing Aussi and lover of chickens, flying discs and disgusting soccer balls.
Cute!! Love it when you can include them in the family outings!
Baby refuses to bring her chicks into the coop. It has been almost a week. You know the weather is bad. The only way to keep them in there is to put a board in front of the door. With the wind blowing, it would blow the board down though. Should I leave them alone? If not, how do I keep the board in place?
Baby refuses to bring her chicks into the coop. It has been almost a week. You know the weather is bad. The only way to keep them in there is to put a board in front of the door. With the wind blowing, it would blow the board down though. Should I leave them alone? If not, how do I keep the board in place?

I'm in the same situation. I'm opting for momma knows best and let nature take its course. Probably not the right thing to do, but they have survived so far. I guess those that survive will be the strongest.

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