Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Baby refuses to bring her chicks into the coop. It has been almost a week. You know the weather is bad. The only way to keep them in there is to put a board in front of the door. With the wind blowing, it would blow the board down though. Should I leave them alone? If not, how do I keep the board in place?
Use a full size cement block to pin the board up across the doorway... I say full size (the 8"x8"x16") because it will provide plenty of weight to avoid the board moving and is high enough that the chicks won't use it as a step (yet, though they will soon) if you use it on the inside of the door. You are probably better off placing the board across the outside of the door anyway.

Has any one else seen eggs like this? My fav hen lays these and they always have almost like a double membrane? Any idea? Anything to worry about? This was 2 eggs, not a double yoke egg.
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We have a permanent site at a campground, we used to tent camp in the area when we went up on fishing trips, now set up a much more complete camp as a 'home base' for the fishing trips. We have tent camped Kinzua, and also have a more primitive family camp/property in the 'hills' of lower Elk County near Medix Run. The Warren/Allegheny forest area is beautiful! Thanks for the pup comment, and yep, all of our dogs wear life jackets when out on the boat. We take off the big dogs' life jackets if we are trolling or anchored to fish and the lake is calm, but if it is choppy or we are traveling at any speed the jackets are back on. The pup will wear his all the time till he is more experienced out on the boat. His first trip out was this past weekend and he seemed to love it, which was great! Dillon got some conversation time in while we idled out through the harbor... and some nap time in while we were trolling out on the big lake... and some chilling time with the experienced sailor bud, Mindy....
What breed ofmdog is Mindy? What a cutie <3
Baby refuses to bring her chicks into the coop. It has been almost a week. You know the weather is bad. The only way to keep them in there is to put a board in front of the door. With the wind blowing, it would blow the board down though. Should I leave them alone? If not, how do I keep the board in place?
Another option is taking some scrap wood (like firring strips.... 1/2" x2" or so) and make a frame and cover it with 1" chicken wire.... it will be light enough that you could pound a couple of nails into the wood on either side of the door, use a pair of pliers to put a 45 degree to 90 degree bend up on them and just hang the frame over the nails like a picture frame sort of thing. With your pliers you can spin the nail a bit to help 'lock' the frame from falling off.
What breed ofmdog is Mindy? What a cutie <3
Mindy and Dillon are both full blooded English Shepherds (sometimes also called the Old Fashioned Farm Collie)
Mindy has the fuller long feathered coat, Dillons should be the silkier and slightly shorter coat. The breed has a lot of coat variety in it.
She is actually his great aunt... both from the same sheep farm in NY
She reminds of my dog Shang-Shang or Shangy. She was 1 year older than me and we grew up together. My mom said she was a collie but she didn't look like Lassie. I loved that dog, she was my bestest friend.

The day has finally arrived!!!!!

My babies arrived this morning and I think are the cutest lil things I have ever seen!! They all took straight to their food and water and so far are doing well!!!

Now to come up with names!

Baby refuses to bring her chicks into the coop. It has been almost a week. You know the weather is bad. The only way to keep them in there is to put a board in front of the door. With the wind blowing, it would blow the board down though. Should I leave them alone? If not, how do I keep the board in place?

I wonder why she doesn't want to take them to the coop? I would personally be concerned about predation. I am guessing that you must have a secure area surrounding the coop if there is no door. Maybe mom has a reason not to be in the coop. If you do decide to put a board up make sure that it's on the outside so if it somehow falls it won't smush a chicken. How pig is the opening by the way?

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