Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

So our one almost mature Black Langshan has been exhibiting very interesting behavior lately. She was formerly very skittish but seems to be willing to take treats from our hands now. The other day when my wife went to open the door to the run, she started singing what sounded like the egg song.

I'm assuming it's not a warning call since the rest of the girls didn't bolt for the trees.

We're thinking it isn't the egg song either. No signs of eggs hidden in the run.

Additional info:

Oreo is the only surviving hen from our initial langshan trio.

Oreo is definitely the lowest in the pecking order.

Oreo HAS sounded alarms before, ad when she does, the rest of the flock bolts for the tree cover.

Oreo is about 6 months old.

Oreo's comb and wattles are just now starting to redden up.

So what do y'all think? Is she hiding eggs on us? Or is there some other reason for her sudden bouts of chattiness?
So our one almost mature Black Langshan has been exhibiting very interesting behavior lately. She was formerly very skittish but seems to be willing to take treats from our hands now. The other day when my wife went to open the door to the run, she started singing what sounded like the egg song.

I'm assuming it's not a warning call since the rest of the girls didn't bolt for the trees.

We're thinking it isn't the egg song either. No signs of eggs hidden in the run.

Additional info:

Oreo is the only surviving hen from our initial langshan trio.

Oreo is definitely the lowest in the pecking order.

Oreo HAS sounded alarms before, ad when she does, the rest of the flock bolts for the tree cover.

Oreo is about 6 months old.

Oreo's comb and wattles are just now starting to redden up.

So what do y'all think? Is she hiding eggs on us? Or is there some other reason for her sudden bouts of chattiness?

They may practice the egg song for weeks before they actually begin to lay.
Good morning all:

Is there some lunar event going on...all my girls are going nuts this morning....broody got off the nest for breakfast and all the other big girls really gave her a hard time(the GLWs were down right nasty) alpha girl was snitty with everyone...the marans were pecking at the dorks and the dorks were pecking back...lots of Pencil necking in one of my BOs goes to lay and egg in the broodies nest...I find a couple of eggs on the coop floor and replace them in the nest,,,now laying on six eggs not five....GLW1 goes and sits on the nest for about 1/2hr while broody girl watches....GLW2 goes into a thicket and lays and egg...(hasn't laid and egg in that spot since her first egg months ago) ...I remove the egg and 1/2hr later GLW2 is back sitting on that spot...(going broody outside the coop)...of course all the girls decided to be nasty with the baby roo...(they had been ignoring him but not today)...I think they all need a time out....
Morning Stake....I am the one going stir crazy here...just getting to old to work the crazy schedules that I do...had off Monday but Tuesday , wed, Thursday at 3 pm to 3 am. And Fri noon till 5..
This job may pay the bills but leaves me little time to devote to the business
Took it home. SO had something to do with it. Thought I "needed" it. Paid for the litter, food, and I got a carrier out of it, so I guess thats a plus. Can never have enough crates and cages, right?

Oh, boy!! Someone sure had you figured out! :lau

and BTW... cats don't really every 'like' anyone, it is beneath them!!..... well, unless they have treats for them! :gig

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