Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Oh, boy!! Someone sure had you figured out!

and BTW... cats don't really every 'like' anyone, it is beneath them!!..... well, unless they have treats for them!

Reminds me of some of my chickens.
And some of the users I support.
Hi! Barbiegirl...I was thinking about Orpingtons. I'm open to suggestions but want a cold-hardy, docile breed!

Orpingtons work well.Easter eggers are great birds and add color to tour egg basket. It will depends if you want eggs, pets, meat, or all of them. Swedish flower hens are pretty and cold Hardy, also pretty friendly, but have little meat and the eggs aren't huge but they make great lawn candy (pretty) . Everyone will have their favorite breed, so get what you want. have none of the breed I started with, my desires changed. I also have 6x + the number I "wanted", along with some quail and turkey. Just have fun and don't over think it.
I liked my Orps for the eggs, and my English birds were big enough to put on the table if I had to. All of my roos lost the tips of their combs during wither, though. I have pure Ameraucanas and they are a favorite, but not big enough to eat. My bantam Cochins are not for eating, but very cold hardy. I've only lost one comb tip off one boy.

I like Delawares. If I had an all egg laying flock, I'd stick with them and some Ameraucanas. Maybe a few Wyandottes, too (blue laced red makes for a colorful yard).
I'm looking purely for egg layers, not for meat (I'm a vegetarian.) Are Easter Eggers cold hardy and friendly? It's totally overwhelming how many breeds there are!
Sorry I've been MIA again...was having a small heart attack....ya'll have heard about this shut-down thing...right?? Well my wedding is scheduled for Army Heritage Canter....federal land. After seeing on the news that 2 poor brides, one for the same date as me, and one for the following weekend were told by Gettysburg that their weddings were cancelled...well...I not so slowly lost my mind. Luckily, my contact at AHEC called me and told me she's not furloughed...and she wants my wedding to happen more than I do!

Here is my outfit from my bachelorette was a blast!

There's a reason Apple doesn't support PDFs they are a PIA....I was able to copy all the text out an PMed it to you....formatting is a bit messed up and there was one table I could not paste into the message....PM me your email and I'll send the file as .docx again it will still be a bit messed up but probably easier to read....
But Apple dose support PDF's. I use them all the time. You need Adobe Acrobat to read them and it is available as free download at least as a read only. To create PDF's with it I think you have to have the paid version which I do have.
Hi! Barbiegirl...I was thinking about Orpingtons. I'm open to suggestions but want a cold-hardy, docile breed!

I like ameraucanas. I have one, but a whole flock of them would be so funny! They're honestly not that smart but they're hilarious! Such colorful personalities! Not a mean bone in their body. Mine's the lowest in the pecking order. She lays a large blue egg for me every day. In fact, I'm hatching some mixes in the Spring and plan on keeping some hens because I just love my ameraucana!

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