Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Gavin's Mom... This weekend was Chris Brown's poultry/small animal auction. There was a Nigerian Dwarf I would have bought if I still had Nettie. I was actually half in tears thinking that of course, there'd be one at the auction less than 4 days after I sell her. Yes, I miss the little turd eating my clothes while doing chores. But, she could not stay.

I have been pretty silent because there is a lot going on here. I'm not sure if I ever updated the outcome of my Pap's tests. He has cancer in his lungs, kidney, spine and all his lymph nodes. They can not cure him, but are trying to extend his life for 1-2yrs. On Wednesday my granpap (yeah, we are a 5 generation family), who is 93yrs old was admitted into the hospital for a mass in his bladder and masses in his colon. They removed the masses in his colon, but no word to whether it's cancer or not. I don't know what they doing with the mass in his bladder. Right now they catheterized him because the mass in his bladder is limited his ability to go. So much so it was damaging his kidneys.

On top of all of that, the 82yr old that lives with us has me to my wits end with her martyring herself and making me out to be the reason for all her problems. It's a long story, but I am sick of living with her. I want her out and my mom is trying her best to keep her with me for at least 5yrs or death - whichever comes first. Plus, sending her to the nursing home inconvenience my mother since she owes the old woman money and mom needs to take care of some other financial issue before she can go. I told mom that since her husband doesn't want to sign the divorce papers, let him deal with it (he'd lose the house and everything else he's fought to keep the last 2.5yrs to keep). Just, let me tell you that I now know why her husband (who defaulted on the MSA and still has not signed divorce papers) did what he did and why none of her family wants anything to do with her. I am such a fool for taking her at face value and believing she was such a great person when I took her in over 2yrs ago. BTW, I got stuck with this house and got stuck with a mortgage we can not afford because of this woman. I am willing to sacrifice all my birds, the horse and all but two cats to get her out. I am willing to go without phone, Internet and even lights to get her the heck out of here. I can not stand it anymore.
The bitterness it gone, it's just a term, there's no venom to it anymore. He made his choices, unfortunately my son needs to live with them as well. As far as the most recent ex (Seth), people don't realise how quickly I move on and remove them from my life until it's already done. My way of preventing the bitterness that I don't need in my life or heart.
Thanks. I LOVE driving along 80 or 81 (north of Scranton) this time of year the colors are so wonderful.

I've had it reevaluated twice in the nearly 8 years he's paid it. Once was due to me paying for ALL health expenses including the insurance, the other was to cover 1/2 the childcare while I worked. I haven't been able to work for 2.5 years now due to my health, and no one will hire me because of the restrictions the docs have (never would have thought I'd say it when I was working, but I miss working so much), but I didn't have it reevaluated when I got sick because I figured they'd have him pay more. I was waiting until the disability decision was final, then (hopefully) there'd have been income to report on my side. I wish I was at a point where I didn't need anything from him, but I'm obviously not, especially if I want Gavin to have everything he needs.
He's probably gonna **** himself over, as there is no income on my side and Gavin has Access for insurance. Since he is working two jobs, has health insurance, has a spouse to help with bills, and was able to afford a honeymoon to Cancun (my Dad looked it up after I got the letter) I have a feeling this will go badly for him. Oh well he filed it, and chooses not to see Gavin so it's no skin off my teeth. I doubt he'll expect a lawyer to be with me this time though, I never had one at the past evals.
good luck, gavin comes first, do what you have to for him of course
I am so sorry..
..I really don't know what else to say. I wish/hope there are positive ways to change your situation...and my heart goes out to you and your family members with their illnesses...
GM all:

Annie: So far no more chooks showing signs, just the baby far, he's been real active and drinking and eating well...makes me hopeful that I caught this early enough....Got some really good treatment advise from HeatherScooby....a Big Thanks!!!

Lisa: I am only repeating what was mentioned on another thread regarding CCL hybrids..... for those interested in bird genetics...its a pretty interesting read....

Blarney: I'll PM instructions for cider over...really not hard to do and if you mess it up....just let it turn to vinegar.....
**sharron...just saw on craigslist in Bloomsburg a Dexter Bull calf
....not trying to enable or anything
yeah, you are, friday i was so mad, was going to ship all of them out today(auction) they busted the fence and was out, none are what you call really tame except jr, the bull, but my husband calmed me down for a while longer, the auction is still an option, wanna buy a milk cow?
Not chicken related, goat questions.... was wondering what "dis-budded" means and "wether" a buckling with a band?..dwarf nigerian buckling..real cute guy. they want $100.00 for him...i don't even know why i am looking at this stuff...i have been up since 3am...i think it is starting to show...
yeah, you are, friday i was so mad, was going to ship all of them out today(auction) they busted the fence and was out, none are what you call really tame except jr, the bull, but my husband calmed me down for a while longer, the auction is still an option, wanna buy a milk cow?
OMG...see previous post....i would love to, but.......hahhaaa, i don't think i can be that persuasive...
Not chicken related, goat questions.... was wondering what "dis-budded" means and "wether" a buckling with a band?..dwarf nigerian buckling..real cute guy. they want $100.00 for him...i don't even know why i am looking at this stuff...i have been up since 3am...i think it is starting to show...
dis budded means they burned his horn buds so he doesn't grow horns, but if they don't do it right, he can get scurs, (pieces of horn they missed), wether usually means they banded him so hes no longer a intact billy, no babies ever lol (and no billy smell)

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