Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

only monday morning and my extra processed meat has been sold...I process every saturday for whatever orders i get thru the week, then I usually do a few extra that I put in the egg refrigerator, If no one buys them by thursday I then throw them into the freezer for my own use....the last 2 weeks have all sold you think I should take this as a sign that business is picking up or just because of the holiday....
today was a new customer,,,it was one of those mormon folk that go from house to house, they seen us outside and decided to stop...they ended up buying eggs and my extra chicken and duck out of the fridge,,, they seemed to be shocked that a chicken could weigh 9 pounds, they never seen one that size, thought it was a turkey....i did more preaching than they did as far as showing them how humanely meat can be raised...
we shall see if they come back
update on the 2 wild turkey......
they were very delicious,,,,,did nothing special..roasted them like normal...

if you get the chance to try wild turkey do not pass it up
This right here is exactly what I am dreaming of. A huge assortment of colorful eggs. So far we've got my little White Leghorn and my husband's Gold Sebright. They started laying on Wed. And since then it's been an egg a day except for the Sebright taking Friday off. I can't imagine she's going to continue to lay every day. I'd swear she's competing with the Leghorn. XD I am dreaming of a day sometime soon when my 2 EE's the 2 Orpingtons, Welsummer, Speckled Sussex, and the other Sebright, a Silver start contributing as well. Now if I can just find a nice Black Copper Marans hen I'll be the happiest little chicken momma in the world. ^_^

Welcome Katt66!

I'm about 1/2 hour from the Tower City exit of 81. I'll have some marans that will be laying soon, but most of them are silver cuckoos. I can probably set you up within the next month or so, if thta helps any.
LMPurdy-------I like your idea of building panels that can be taken apart etc......

I may be doing some indoor building in my small basement over the winter and doing one panel at a time............might be practical.

I just am wondering if they are sturdy enough when you set them up?

an eye hook and latch seems very minimal .........

interesting in hearing more about what you have learned by I can skip the trial by error just a little bit!
Might be looking for some older pullets and/or hens soon. If anyone in western part of the state has any PM me with type of breed and pricing. I need to add some hens to my flock.

Welcome Katt66!

I'm about 1/2 hour from the Tower City exit of 81. I'll have some marans that will be laying soon, but most of them are silver cuckoos. I can probably set you up within the next month or so, if thta helps any.
I would love to try and figure something out. My hubby who hasn't been anywhere near as enthusiastic as me about the chickens realized today that only one of our current flock is officially his. The little Gold Sebright. He actually seemed quite sad at the fact that my daughters and I all have a couple of chickens and he's only got one. He's been wanting a Black Copper or Cuckoo Marans hen since he discovered they not only lay dark chocolate brown eggs (I did make sure he wasn't expecting them to be chocolate when he cracked them open as well XD) AND they have fuzzy feet as well.
4:48pm...too dang dark!!!!! blah, blah, yackety, shmackety......**FamerMike- what are you doing that you need flood lights??...if it is safe to ask
..shall I bring a shovel??

**Lisa- hey, no probs. on that!! Nothing like learning from others dumb...I mean mistakes...okay, here are some more pics from today..
we were busy beavers...yep,yep,yep!!!
we have extremely stable post we fixed these panels onto& they are sitting on the block wall..also, the tension made with making the eye hoops and hooks keep it solid... they are good to go! We had some really good winds today and nothing moved! Now, if your doing a large run, you will most likely need to have secure posts to attach your panels to. we also have hindges were we want to get in & out from. ....

see...hinges to swing the panel out & a "kick-stand" to hold the door weight. the "stand" swivels to be flush with the panel when we want to close the door.

it got dark out fast!! sorry...hope you can see..there are (2)-2 inch eye hooks on the left side of the panel(top & bottom)...that panel is hinged to the panel to the right.
The right side panel is attached to the post on that side also with (2)-2 inch eye hooks(top and bottom.
we will ONLY be opening the panel on the left.
All around the coop is netting right has been up pretty much since the beginning of summer. It has kept everyone in and we haven't had a problem with critters...that being said, we do know if something did really want is only netting.
We are in the process to change the netting situation. We have been collecting pallets...need to get a saw-zaw, take them apart and use the wood to make "walls" to enclose this structure. this is the future...all in time.
But back to the present...this started out just by using the small-coops/run. Had an idea to make this area more secure and we are now just going with it. There is extra screen (3 inches) at the bottoms of these panels also, just enough over the top of the brick.

It is not going to take much to enclose with pallet wood. Most likely will be finished in the spring/early summer..better weather, it's getting colder now...and the body doesn't work as well.

here is a good look at the "run" panels. There is about 3 inches of screening at the bottom. that is to help deter- digging. Now those two were for the small-coop-run..they were not 'made' for this run, but you get an /the idea as to what is going on. The "door" panel has eye-hooks to the lrg-post, it is also hinged to the next panel..swinging door!....Now, the panel that the "door" is attached to is screwed into a post that is secure in the ground.

I know there are clamps in the pic..this was from yesterday..we have since secured with screws. It would be very easy to continue this 'system' the around entire run...a couple panels/post..etc. Depending on how wide you make your run, you could also add a 'panel' top.
If your run is wider like mine, you will have to add ground-supports for the 'top', the panels would be to heavy..IMO.

Chickadee making sure Todd gets it right!! ...haha not his best side...
....hahah shhh, don't tell....
Okay, I need to go get ready for bed..I am old. Oh, when we came in from doing this stuff, I made these...Pumpkin spice lattes!!
droolin.gif good!!! Have a great night all!!!

I have the recipe if anybody wants is soo easy!!! But you will have to wait till tomorrow...sorry. Nite!
Hello all-------------Just a little question

When buying a lamp for my first brooder pen..............I see the reflector part and read in this forum that some use 100watt bulbs.......

but I thought people also use a RED light to decrease pecking at blood.

So my question the red bulb just colored red or

is it a red heat lamp bulb?

as you can see I am new to this.

I may be getting the lamp and bulb as a gift to myself in prep for spring chicks!

and start to set up a brooder pen............but I think that will be pretty easy since I can not have too many.

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