Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

The trapper at my sister's farm got 38 last year, and I think at least 20 so far this year!
They seem to thrive in suburbia, but frequent the farm for a midnight chicken snack. I wish they would take the old roosters instead of the young hens, but given how much fight there is in some of them old roos, I can't blame them for steering clear of them.
The trapper at my sister's farm got 38 last year, and I think at least 20 so far this year!
They seem to thrive in suburbia, but frequent the farm for a midnight chicken snack. I wish they would take the old roosters instead of the young hens, but given how much fight there is in some of them old roos, I can't blame them for steering clear of them.
I had trouble finding a trapper,,,not sure it is a common thing anymore,,,,I want to question this guy about what he does with them and how it is done and all...but I am just happy he is trapping them


  • Species
    Count for 12/30/2013​
    Season Count To-Date​
    Previous Week’s Count​
    Highest Daily Count This Season​
  • Black Vulture
  • Turkey Vulture
  • Unidentified Vulture
  • Osprey
  • Bald Eagle
  • Northern Harrier
  • Sharp-shinned Hawk
  • Cooper's Hawk
  • Northern Goshawk
  • Unidentified Accipiter
  • Red-shouldered Hawk
  • Broad-winged Hawk
  • Red-tailed Hawk
  • Rough-legged Hawk
  • Unidentified Buteo
  • Golden Eagle
  • Unidentified Eagle
  • American Kestrel
  • Merlin
  • Peregrine Falcon
  • Mississippi Kite
  • Unidentified Falcon
  • Unidentified Raptor
  • Other Raptor
  • Total Count:​
  • Species​
    Count for 12/30/2013Season Count To-DatePrevious Week’s CountHighest Daily Count This Season​
Now see..this is what, ..the kind of thing i was expecting for you when I asked about the medication ..and what did i get...huh?!..a kick in the butt from Wing......Well,..i would still hang out with you though, you know..when we go to the casino

sounds like a casino challenge, so when we gonna meet there, and of course end up at heather's
Last time I was at a casino, I was with mu mom. We had an awesome time..I went home with what I had originally brought. Had one cup for playing with & one cup for winnings...We did a bus thing through AAA, stayed over night ..Atlantic City. Have never been anywhere else. I love the Chinese game Mia-quong (sp?) with the tiles..I won A lot there, so did mom...we were there till 2 in the morning....would love to do a trip again, just to get out for a bit..don't even have to play much..
hawks I only see a couple a year...
right here is my number one predator,,,I now have a trapper that takes care of them every year, he gets a few each season cool...i want to get one of those trail cams...he is purdy though...I like foxes, BUT (don't hurt me
),..only the kind that mind their business. Caesar looks like one...maybe that is why the attraction.
....We have a ton of aerial predators...but not the biggest would be the raccoon,..bears..cats..and neighbors dogs before a hawk

LIE..LIE is a LIE i tell you.....up here up better add 21 more days...we are in a WHOLE world...this place makes it's own weather.....**Wing..umm the fingers thing is very disturbing...very..what was dog?! hahaha.... keep all this craziness chicken related....My chickens are doing strange things, go figure
,...and I don't understand will be eating and still have food in it's mouth..and another one will come up and feed from the others mouth....
..I see chicka(Marans) & Babs(Partridge) do this more than anyone else,(the tend to pal around together), but sometimes, the little blue(Cordon), will come over and get in on it...they don't seem to mind's like they are sharing with each one gets mad or excited...any thoughts on this??
Hubby is buying dinner tonight, think I will order chicken just for the look he gives me....

atleast I get a night of dinner for all this pain,,(had a bone tumor biopsy on friday morning,,, my butt is getting tired of this chair, but it also hurts to walk yet..)
Little Known Chicken Fact #1 ~
Chicken are pretty fast. The chicken can travel up to 9 miles per hour when it wants to.
Little Known Chicken Fact #2 ~
The largest ever recorded chicken egg weighed nearly 12 ounces, and measured 12.25 inches around.
Little Known Chicken Fact #3 ~
Chicken language has real meanings. The birds give different alarm calls depending on which type of predator is threatening them.
Little Known Chicken Fact #4 ~
There are more chickens on Earth than there are humans.
Little Known Chicken Fact #5 ~
Chickens can cross breed with turkeys. The result is called a 'Turkin'.
Little Known Chicken Fact #6 ~
There are four cities in the United States that have the word "chicken" in their name: Chicken, Alaska; Chicken Bristle, Illinois; Chicken Bristle, Kentucky; and Chicken Town, Pennsylvania.
Little Known Chicken Fact #7 ~
The greatest number of yolks ever found in a single chicken egg was nine!
Little Known Chicken Fact #8 ~
Chickens experience REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. (I wonder what they dream about?)
Little Known Chicken Fact #9 ~
The chicken is the closest living relative of the tyrannosaurus-rex.
Little Known Chicken Fact #10 ~
In Gainesville, Georgia, (the chicken capital of the world), a local ordinance makes it illegal to eat your chicken with a fork.
Little Known Chicken Fact #11 ~
The waste produced by one chicken in its lifetime can supply enough electricity to run a 100 watt bulb for five hours.
Little Known Chicken Fact #12 ~
China has the most people in the world, *and* also has the most chickens. There are over 3,000,000,000 chickens in China! (The United States has only 450 million.)
Little Known Chicken Fact #13 ~
The longest recorded distance flown by any chicken was 301.5 feet.
Little Known Chicken Fact #14 ~
The record for laying the most eggs in one day was seven.
Little Known Chicken Fact #15 ~
There are more chickens in the world than there are of any other domesticated bird. In fact, there's more than one chicken for every human on the face of this earth.
Little Known Chicken Fact #16 ~
Chickens can fly, but not for long. The longest recorded flight of a chicken is only thirteen seconds.
Little Known Chicken Fact #17 ~
A chicken will lay bigger and stronger eggs if you adjust the lighting in their cages to make them think each day is 28 hours long, instead of 24.
Little Known Chicken Fact #18 ~
Chickens eggs come in colors sometimes, (other than white and brown). Some breeds lay eggs in shades of blue or green. Ready-made Easter Eggs!
Little Known Chicken Fact #19 ~
The fear of chickens is called 'Alektorophobia'.
Little Known Chicken Fact #20 ~
Laid head to claw, all the chickens consumed from KFC worldwide would circle the Earth at the equator 11 times.
TIDBITTING! ha! new word of the day! ha ha ha

Some info I didnt know had a name.... Roosters perform a little dance called ‘tidbitting’ in which they make sounds (food calls) and move their head up and down, picking up and dropping a bit of food. Researchers have found that females prefer males that often perform tidbitting and have larger, brighter combs on top of their heads.

A female chicken will mate with many different males but if she decides, after the deed is done, that she doesn’t want a particular rooster’s offspring and can eject his sperm. <GASPS> This occurs most often when the male is lower in the pecking order.
TIDBITTING! ha! new word of the day! ha ha ha

Some info I didnt know had a name.... Roosters perform a little dance called ‘tidbitting’ in which they make sounds (food calls) and move their head up and down, picking up and dropping a bit of food. Researchers have found that females prefer males that often perform tidbitting and have larger, brighter combs on top of their heads.

A female chicken will mate with many different males but if she decides, after the deed is done, that she doesn’t want a particular rooster’s offspring and can eject his sperm. <GASPS> This occurs most often when the male is lower in the pecking order.
now that's a squirt gun I do not want

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