Pennsylvania!! Unite!!

Hubby is buying dinner tonight, think I will order chicken just for the look he gives me....

atleast I get a night of dinner for all this pain,,(had a bone tumor biopsy on friday morning,,, my butt is getting tired of this chair, but it also hurts to walk yet..)
just throw that in there! that hurts like he&* results this week?
Hubby is buying dinner tonight, think I will order chicken just for the look he gives me....

atleast I get a night of dinner for all this pain,,(had a bone tumor biopsy on friday morning,,, my butt is getting tired of this chair, but it also hurts to walk yet..)

just throw that in there!  that hurts like he&*  results this week? :( :fl

Seriously Wing?! WTH... :hugs
Quote: Seriously Wing?! WTH...

yep seriously,,,I am used to it...I have fibrous dysplasia in my right tibia...I have had it removed 3 times since I was like 15....since I tend to put the surgeries off as long as possible, the doc likes to keep an eye on it to make sure the tumor does not become malignant....

nothing to worry about.
haven't you all noticed I walk with a limp...probably why my hip is shot.
yep seriously,,,I am used to it...I have fibrous dysplasia in my right tibia...I have had it removed 3 times since I was like 15....since I tend to put the surgeries off as long as possible, the doc likes to keep an eye on it to make sure the tumor does not become malignant....

nothing to worry about.
haven't you all noticed I walk with a limp...probably why my hip is shot.
hugs.gif's to feelin' just a little bit better soon! poking & prodding sucks!!
Woman you are know that. I am definitely stopping in next time we're down...
TIDBITTING! ha! new word of the day! ha ha ha

Some info I didnt know had a name.... Roosters perform a little dance called ‘tidbitting’ in which they make sounds (food calls) and move their head up and down, picking up and dropping a bit of food. Researchers have found that females prefer males that often perform tidbitting and have larger, brighter combs on top of their heads.

A female chicken will mate with many different males but if she decides, after the deed is done, that she doesn’t want a particular rooster’s offspring and can eject his sperm. <GASPS> This occurs most often when the male is lower in the pecking order.
hahaha...I did not know There are some species that actually "hold" the sperm, then decide which they will did you even get started with this?! You need to get out ..seriously. I so truly see a PA chicken "road trip" for a bunch..gotta make sure MC is along...we will need entertainment!! ..I mean that in a very nice way thank you,. so don't go flying off the handle Abi

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